First Check in, Huge Casino Royal poker set (3 Viewers)


Sitting Out
Feb 10, 2022
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Hello everyone! I guess you can say I went All-IN on collecting and completing this poker chip set. Took me about 8 years to complete the set. It is the closest you can get to the exact replica of the James bond movie "Casino Royal" I wanted the exact chips and plaques used in the movie only. My journey started when I saw the movie of course and I said to myself, I wonder if I can make a complete replica set of the movie? Turns out you can and my collection began. My personal goal was to have a complete set to successfully run a 2 table tournament and have more than enough chips to go around. In the beginning the collection was fairly easy to start and acquire the chips and plaques that I needed. After a few years acquiring more chips and especially the plaques were almost non existent to get. About 2 years ago my set was complete after being able to buy the last 4 plaques which I got super lucky finding on eBay. My tournament setup for two tables is for each player to start out with 1 million in chips. 150k in 5k chips, 450k in 25k chips, and 400k in 100k chips. I usually start the blinds at 5k - 10k and they go up from there. I have a total of 10, 500k plaques and 10, 1 million plaques. These are the ones made by Matsui gaming which are the real deal and the ones that are basically non existent to find and buy at a reasonable price. I hope you guys enjoy my collection, let me know if you have any questions about it.


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So these are just knock-offs, forgeries of the original screen used chips? Kinda made to fool people into thinking you have the “real” chips?
They are cute and a nice gimmick.
So these are just knock-offs, forgeries of the original screen used chips? Kinda made to fool people into thinking you have the “real” chips?
They are cute and a nice gimmick.

Thank you for pointing out the obvious, I never once tried to fool anyone into thinking these are the "real" chips as you put it. Clearly if you read my post you will notice I said the closest you can get the the exact "Replica." Clearly you are blowing things way out of proportion and are extremely upset over something small. I never once tried to hurt anyone's feelings or try and crap anyone in any way. Was only pointing out something and trying to educate people as to this set as people may not know anything about the set. If I've hurt your feelings or made it seem I was ruining your sales I'm sorry truly I am! Just a fun poker guy who was sharing my collection is all.
Welcome to PCF! Nice going having a goal and spending 8 years to fulfill it! That's real dedication. I must say I'm a bit surprised at some of the negativity in this thread. PCF is normally MUCH more welcoming of new members.

I will say this. Now that you have acquired and completed your dream set, your biggest mistake was coming here to PCF - LOL! You may find yourself getting pulled down into a rabbit hole that you never knew existed. I came here two years ago looking for one or two INEXPENSIVE sets of poker chips, I bought my first set within a month. Less than $300. I should have logged out and NEVER COME BACK!!! :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

At this time I have 9 different playable sets. I have china clays, inexpensive ceramic chips, real compressed clay sets make by ASM, BC Wills, and Paulson, I'm having custom plaques and high quality labels being designed as we speak. I have run three major group buys (one for over 32,000 chips) and I am seriously considering a fourth. If you're not catching on, this place is a disease! And for me it's terminal.

Hope you enjoy your time here. Post up if you need anything at all. There are lots of super helpful people who will help you decide how to spend a LOT of your money.
Welcome to PCF! Nice going having a goal and spending 8 years to fulfill it! That's real dedication. I must say I'm a bit surprised at some of the negativity in this thread. PCF is normally MUCH more welcoming of new members.

I will say this. Now that you have acquired and completed your dream set, your biggest mistake was coming here to PCF - LOL! You may find yourself getting pulled down into a rabbit hole that you never knew existed. I came here two years ago looking for one or two INEXPENSIVE sets of poker chips, I bought my first set within a month. Less than $300. I should have logged out and NEVER COME BACK!!! :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

At this time I have 9 different playable sets. I have china clays, inexpensive ceramic chips, real compressed clay sets make by ASM, BC Wills, and Paulson, I'm having custom plaques and high quality labels being designed as we speak. I have run three major group buys (one for over 32,000 chips) and I am seriously considering a fourth. If you're not catching on, this place is a disease! And for me it's terminal.

Hope you enjoy your time here. Post up if you need anything at all. There are lots of super helpful people who will help you decide how to spend a LOT of your money.
Some of the negativity is because Asasino mistakenly thread crapped (talked down on someone's sales ad) on another listing as they were trying to sell Casio Royale chips. A mistake on Asasino, but he's new so I can understand the confusion/mistake. Was surprised by the reaction of PCF. A simple PM would have solved it.
Some of the negativity is because Asasino mistakenly thread crapped (talked down on someone's sales ad) on another listing as they were trying to sell Casio Royale chips. A mistake on Asasino, but he's new so I can understand the confusion/mistake. Was surprised by the reaction of PCF. A simple PM would have solved it.
Yes, I have since heard about that. Unfortunate that a brand new member would come into our family and not tread a little more lightly. @Asasino I hope you have learned a little something and will mend the error of your ways.
Some of the negativity is because Asasino mistakenly thread crapped (talked down on someone's sales ad) on another listing as they were trying to sell Casio Royale chips. A mistake on Asasino, but he's new so I can understand the confusion/mistake. Was surprised by the reaction of PCF. A simple PM would have solved it.
Oh I saw he only had 9 posts, if I remember correctly you need at least 10 to post at classified, is it a case of remembering the wrong person who thread crapped ?
Idk no need to go too much into depth on it….I think it handled itself

Not sure how he was able to post on classified tho. Good point.
Welcome to PCF! Nice going having a goal and spending 8 years to fulfill it! That's real dedication. I must say I'm a bit surprised at some of the negativity in this thread. PCF is normally MUCH more welcoming of new members.

I will say this. Now that you have acquired and completed your dream set, your biggest mistake was coming here to PCF - LOL! You may find yourself getting pulled down into a rabbit hole that you never knew existed. I came here two years ago looking for one or two INEXPENSIVE sets of poker chips, I bought my first set within a month. Less than $300. I should have logged out and NEVER COME BACK!!! :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

At this time I have 9 different playable sets. I have china clays, inexpensive ceramic chips, real compressed clay sets make by ASM, BC Wills, and Paulson, I'm having custom plaques and high quality labels being designed as we speak. I have run three major group buys (one for over 32,000 chips) and I am seriously considering a fourth. If you're not catching on, this place is a disease! And for me it's terminal.

Hope you enjoy your time here. Post up if you need anything at all. There are lots of super helpful people who will help you decide how to spend a LOT of your money.
Thank you so much, and wow what a collection you have. Ya I'm a little worried about buying more sets as well hahaha. I see so much stuff it's like a kid in a candy store for sure.

Some of the negativity is because Asasino mistakenly thread crapped (talked down on someone's sales ad) on another listing as they were trying to sell Casio Royale chips. A mistake on Asasino, but he's new so I can understand the confusion/mistake. Was surprised by the reaction of PCF. A simple PM would have solved it.
Yup it was a complete accident on my part everyone can't let it go no matter how many times I apologize...... Made a simple mistake explained myself countless times but apparently that's irrelevant. Spoke to the guy who's post it was and personally apologized. It's crazy he wasn't even worried about it and was actually really nice on explaining things to me. Regardless I'm now knows as a terrible person and will probably be remembered as that for all eternity while being in this group.

Yes, I have since heard about that. Unfortunate that a brand new member would come into our family and not tread a little more lightly. @Asasino I hope you have learned a little something and will mend the error of your ways.
Like I've mentioned time and time again, I have apologized countless times and tried to explain myself countless times but it doesn't matter anymore I've accepted that no one here likes me because of 1 mistake I made.
Like I've mentioned time and time again, I have apologized countless times and tried to explain myself countless times but it doesn't matter anymore I've accepted that no one here likes me because of 1 mistake I made.
Nah... People will move on. You'll be judged by your actions going forward. The thing a lot of people don't realize when they first come here is how different this place can be from lots of other forums and other social media sites where everyone is at each other's throats. I really meant it when I said this place is like a giant family. Not that families don't have their differences, don't disagree and even sometimes two or more members will really get after each other. But when you're new, it's best to take a slower approach. Sit back and watch. Get to know how things work and what everyone is like. What the proper protocols are for certain activities. Sounds like you came on a little strong with your first few posts, but that's water under the bridge now. I think we are all ready to put it behind us and give you another chance. So welcome again! And if you have any questions, post em up!

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