Canceled Drill Press + milling jig for $40. Pick up in DC area only (1 Viewer)

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Jun 4, 2023
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Available for pickup only in the Washington, DC area starting May 26.

Used 8 inch, 5 speed used Harbor Freight drill press for $40 less than new pricing.

Here are the specs and price comparison new:

I bought this in January 2024. It mills clay chips just fine. Only has about 12 hours of use. I will put another 2 to 3 hours on it before you get it. I will include the milling jig that holds 39mm chips in place. I have milled about 600 chips with this set up.

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The 7/8 inch bit I bought (the yellow one in the photo) is cheap, but I do not recommend it. It dulls quickly and I have had to buy 3 total to get through my project.

@Colquhoun recommends this 7/8 inch surfacing bit from Magnate in another thread. I think this is one of those cases when you save money by spending a bit more up front.
Thanks, been thinking of doing some projects lol but idk how many chips will die in the process of me learning
I have received a few inquiries about the milling jig and how it works. Here is a screenshot of the fusion file. Nothing fancy. The square base plate is printed upside down. So what you see on top goes down against the drill press plate. I secured it to the plate with bolts and wing nuts. I should have made the slots running perpendicular to where they are now to allow for better movement of the base to center the chip. But the slots were wide enough that there was enough slop to center it as is. You can see the little tabs in the slot, the hole in the center, and the slider. These tabs hold the chip in place. I did not bother to print the handle, but the idea is you attach it with a screw.

If I were making it again, I would make the following changes. Maybe someone like @Sparkynutz would be interested in optimizing the file and printing for folks who want something like this but don't have a 3d printer. You could also throw something together like this with some plywood.
  • turn the mounting slots 90 degrees and probably make them slightly narrower
  • I'd widen the part where the slot and the hole meet - right now it is a little tight getting the chip in and out
  • I think I'd make the hold holding the chip slightly smaller, like .2 mm or so. There can be a tiny bit of movement of the chip when you press the slider forward.
Could be two simple pins on a plate just hold it tight to them.
Much faster swapping chips.
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