Do you like 1 2 or 3 best. pretty easy poll. Of course I have final choice but I want to use this as a guide to what most people think is best...I have a feeling I know what will win though 

voted red, but matching-colors are really close. not a fan of the all-black denoms.
voted red, but matching-colors are really close..
Check out my sample order thread in the custom chip section. There is still room to squeeze you in for a setthough red seems to be the winner,
I voted 3,
I hope there will be a sample offer !
I especially liked the color matching on the $5, $20, and $100, but less so on the .25 and $1.
Individually, I think the color-matched chips look outstanding. However, the red denom chips look more cohesive as a set. Imo, the black denoms are too 'bold' for the rest of the design... might work if the denom was a tad smaller, or the numerals were less dark (charcoal, for example). Hey, there's a thought! jk
I think if the individual chips were viewed side-by-side per denom, the color-matched chips would win hands-down. Looking at them grouped in sets, the natural inclination is to focus on the differences instead of each chip individually.
All that said, I think it's a toss-up between #1 and #3. All depends on which look you want to achieve. I'd probably go with #3, but it's very close. If I went with red, I'd probably take off the almost-too-bright edge a bit (ref. black comments above).
If I went with red, I'd probably take off the almost-too-bright edge a bit.
I think I"d prefer the color-matched $5 red denom across all chips -- it's a little more subtle with less contrast. Your chip base/spot colors are not blaring, but that bright red denom sure is.
Yes unfortunately, the color matching is only melding with the last few denominations. First two.. meh. Don't think there is any way around this.Picked Black, but hovered back and forth between it and Red. No love whatsoever on color-matched here. I like the classy, understated Black or Red. It's like James Bond, if he were a chip. He just wouldn't wear bright purple socks.
Spill the beans already - which version are you going with?![]()