Custom chip hall of fame thread. (1 Viewer)

Mr Tree

Straight Flush
Oct 29, 2014
Reaction score
Roswell, GA
The GCCOAT thread from back at the blue monster made me think of this. Naming the GOAT is always contentious but what about a hall of fame? Nominations come once a year. (And it just happens to almost be New Years!) We set the number of inductees for each year...I was thinking five but that is up for discussion. We take nominations and then have a vote for the five chips that go in the hall of fame. The hall of fame will be a locked thread with photos of each chip inducted into it. No responses to the thread except the new inductees each year. The only qualification is it must be a completed custom chip and it must have photos posted of it on this site.

Lol, I figured I would be on the hook. Looking for feedback now. I think the toughest part on the GCCOAT thread was the nomination process. Do you like the idea of having five inductees a year? Also I'm wondering if only using chips from this site is too restrictive? I'd like to keep it inclusive but there are some amazing sets only over at big blue.
I like the idea a lot. Personally I would limit it to three chips inducted a year, but thats just my opinion.
I like the idea a lot. Personally I would limit it to three chips inducted a year, but thats just my opinion.

the problem is the enormous backlog of amazing custom sets that won't have the benefit of freshness and therefore might lose out to the hottest new set to be commissioned. maybe the answer to that is to have big group of initial inductees (say 20 or so) to start the HoF.
the problem is the enormous backlog of amazing custom sets that won't have the benefit of freshness and therefore might lose out to the hottest new set to be commissioned. maybe the answer to that is to have big group of initial inductees (say 20 or so) to start the HoF.

I thought about this. When you start thinking about all the custom chips out there picking three or five becomes absolutely daunting. Although if we inducted 20 I would absolutely say we need to let chips from CT be included.
Lol, I figured I would be on the hook. Looking for feedback now. I think the toughest part on the GCCOAT thread was the nomination process. Do you like the idea of having five inductees a year? Also I'm wondering if only using chips from this site is too restrictive? I'd like to keep it inclusive but there are some amazing sets only over at big blue.

i think 5 is too limiting unless we do as i mentioned above and start with a large induction of previous HoF chips.

and i thought it went without saying that it would include chips in evidence anywhere: here, CT, 2+2, HPT, etc. unlikely that a set posted in another forum won't also make its way to PCF or CT, but i see now reason to limit ourselves. we're all interested in chips generally, not an allegiance to one particularly site.
I think it should be kept to a handful in future years just to keep it reasonably exclusive although I can see the argument for a larger first class at launch.

The more I'm thinking about it I agree all custom chips should be valid. Too many great chips out there that would be excluded otherwise.
I think it should be kept to a handful in future years just to keep it reasonably exclusive although I can see the argument for a larger first class at launch.

yeah i totally agree that it should be limited in future years, but i think you have to start with a decent number.

i considered some kind of induction structure (i.e., a limit of total yearly inductees of 5, but require that 3 come from the year in question and that 2 come from sets previously commissioned), but ultimately i think that would be just too strict and make for difficult administration and a frustrating process.

better to start with a big batch then limit in the future, but without any kind of requirement as to date of production/commission.
Logistically I'm trying to think what the process for nominating would be if we did a large amount (for sake of argument say 20) in the first year. Not sure how to work that.
Maybe have everyone nominate 20 chips and anything that gets multiple nominations makes it to the final vote?

Do we think that 20 is a good inaugural class and then pull back hard to 3-5 for future years?
Just run a poll after the nominations are in.
In future years, allow anything to be nominated that hasn't already won. That way, in a weak year, something better from the past can potentially win.
The poll is actually easy. It's generating the nominations that is messier
Maybe have everyone nominate 20 chips and anything that gets multiple nominations makes it to the final vote?

Do we think that 20 is a good inaugural class and then pull back hard to 3-5 for future years?

i think that's a good enough process.

also - and i hate to throw my two cents in so aggressively since this is your show, mrtree - it appears from the OP that we'll be looking at individual chips, but having run both the separate GOAT polls for whole set and single chip, i would strongly suggest making it a custom chip set hall of fame.

while either option - single chip or whole set - both avoids and causes different nominating/voting issues, i think on the whole it is better to do sets.
Well if we do sets I would want to reduce the number greatly. I think 20 sets with five a year dilutes the pool pretty severely
Well if we do sets I would want to reduce the number greatly. I think 20 sets with five a year dilutes the pool pretty severely

yeah that's reasonable. maybe start with 10 and bring in 3 each year.

i am happy to leave it in your hands though. whether you choose to do single chips or whole sets, i'm sure it will be handled with skill.
I'm interested in some more feedback from other folks. Sets or singles? Or do one for each?

Also the old debate on what is a set resurfaces. Personally once you get to a HOF level I think sets with both a cash and tournament set have to be considered seperately.
FWIW, this place is the poker chip forum, not the poker chip set forum.

For a custom chip hall of fame, initially vote in 20 chips to the hall, voting in 3-4 per year afterwards.

Initial nominations should be very large: up to 50 chips per person with no restrictions. Final voting on any chip receiving two or more nominations (essentially nominated and seconded). Yes, the voting field will be huge, but there are a lot of chips to consider initially.

A custom chip set hall of fame is something else altogether. Plenty of reasons to have both, imo.

I'll assume that 'custom' means any chip that was not produced specifically for a casino or specifically for re-sale? What about labeled or re-labeled chips? Group buy offerings? Need ground rules, and maybe a committee to oversee submissions.
I think its a great idea..

I think the top 30 from 2014 and past and each year coming, 5 picked only for that year.

just my 2 pennies

i strongly disagree that we should use a structure under which previous sets are under no circumstances inducted in subsequent years.

there will always be fuck ups and oversights and i'd hate for a phenomenal set to be forever excluded just because it didn't quite squeak into the first group of inductees. a set produced in february is going to be judged against a set produced the previous january just as it will be judged against a set from the previous december. no reason to cut off consideration just because of the end of the calendar year.
FWIW, this place is the poker chip forum, not the poker chip set forum.

I agree, I think we start out with individual chips. Although a later discussion on sets could happen as well.

I'll assume that 'custom' means any chip that was not produced specifically for a casino or specifically for re-sale? What about labeled or re-labeled chips? Group buy offerings? Need ground rules, and maybe a committee to oversee submissions.

Correct. I think custom implies a soup to nuts chip designed for non professional use. There are some outstanding labels out there but in my mind they don't qualify as they are on stock or casino chips. I'm more lenient on group buys. If they are uniquely designed chips I don't think whether there is one owner or a hundred should be a deciding factor. Ceramics are completely legitimate as well.
I agree that the nomination process should be extremely thorough and exhaustive. I also don't want people to hurry as I would love to mine sets from years ago to make sure we get great representation. Maybe a two week window on the nomination process followed by a week to vote?
i strongly disagree that we should use a structure under which previous sets are under no circumstances inducted in subsequent years.

i strongly agree with jack's strongly disagree
I do as well. All hall of fames have guys who are up for consideration for several years before they make it. I am guessing this one won't be any different
this thread reminds me of the funny Pete Rose commercial where he's not allowed in the hall.....even at home. :)
Sets and individual chips? Only reason I'm asking is because there are more than few sets that have chips that, by themselves, make me say "Meh, that's an alright looking chip" but the set as a whole makes me go "OMFGYGTBKM. Incredible."

I think all chips should be eligible. Casino or otherwise. I love pretty chips, and don't care who made them (though admittedly, if J5 made it is probably better than a casino's).

I also feel that single chips and sets should be included. John Lennon is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and so are the Beatles. As well there are some chips that stand out as a single chip (RedBelly's Bounty races to mind) and some that work best as part of an entire collection (thinking Bel-Air here). I know this muddies the voting waters a bit, but truthfully, I think something as important as a Chip Hall of Fame shouldn't be an easy process. Perhaps breaking up voting into quarters would help. Q1 vote on Chip nominations, Q2 vote for sets, Q3 casino chips or sets, Q4 final voting for inductees from each category.

On a related note, I have started building a Custom Chip Database. It started on CT October 19th, with Novachipper's Whisky Club / PGI 8v set. I also included Courage's $5 add-on, and his DCS IV Commem. When CT failed us, I used all new chip posts from PCF to include in the database, starting with Tommy's Sahara 25¢ / Garden City relabel. I included a post to each thread indicating "added to my Custom Chip Database", so each owner would know they were included (or accidentally excluded if they did not get that message). I intend to post the database quarterly, to help make voting processes easier in the future. The "Best Chip Ever" thread on CT was awesome, but mind blowingly daunting because chips were scattered everywhere. Great chips were just missed, because their thread was not stumbled across during the nomination process. As long as I am active on PCF, that will never happen again.

I don't have the time to troll every 2+2, HPT CT and PCF thread to find new chips. So other than the 3 CT chips/sets mentioned above, if it didn't appear recently on PCF, it is not Database worthy. No offence to any not included, I just have a life. ​A sad one admittedly, but it is still mine.

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