I'm looking for a vendor who produces Milano quality China Clay chips that can be fully customized. I want the highest quality China Clay. Custom inlay. Custom edge spots. Anyone know any vendors who do something like this?
All china clay chips are produced in China for pennies apiece, and none are considered 'high quality' chips. The Milano chips (also sold as blanks without the Milano label) are no exception.
There are no color or edgespot options on any china clay chip lines beyond those preset combinations that are manufactured at the factory for various importers.
Brybelly is the importer of the Milano chips; anybody else selling them is just a distributor or reseller.
If you want true custom china clay chips -- unique mold, colors, spots, and/or labels -- you need to locate and contact one of the factories in China that has production capability. Be prepared to handle and pay for all manufacturing processes and product logistics involved, including the design and fabrication of new molds, label design and printing, chip assembly and packaging, overseas shipment, and all customs duties and tariffs. Minimum order quantities start around 5,000 chips with some factories, but most major discounts don't come into play until around the 50,000 chip mark. Being fluent in Chinese is highly recommended, as the language barrier is nothing to trivialize when dealing with all of the above. And be very aware going in that these chips are very low-cost items with questionable quality assurance and quality contol processes -- the chips will not be flawless or perfect.
Been there, done that, and it's a LOT of work. Good luck.