BCC Samurai Palace cash set - mix 'em or not? (1 Viewer)

Mix the chips and get 'em in play?

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Full House
Oct 29, 2014
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Firstly, I'd like to thank BCC for putting me and other OCD chip nerds in this situation. Renowned quality control failures produced multiple runs of Samurai Palace chips with differing base/spot colors. But hey, at least they're T-molds!

In my weekly $1/1 cash game (Omaha, PLO8, BigO, Lazy Pineapple, NLHE, etc), I like to have at least 500 x $5 chips, since we often split to two tables. I've been trying to build this set for a while in order to get it into the weekly rotation, but cannot find matching $5 chips (blood red vs. candy apple or whatever red). You'll notice the $1 chips also differ: a lighter base color, also a taupe color spot vs a gray. The $25 chips feature a darker purple spot vs more of a mauve.

The quarters and hundo chips don't have significant issues.

Should I mix them and get them in play and be grateful I own them, or throw my hands up in disgust and give up on this dream?
Forgot to add pics and can't edit OP.


I say to use them, but only until you find some matching chips. Then peel off what doesn't match.
My thoughts:

I could live with the $25s.

If I REALLY had to I could live with mixing the $5s (btw the "retro red" looks much nicer than the "red" IMO.)

The $1s would just tilt the ever-loving shit out of me.


T-molds are the shizzle. I put up with a bunch of warped chips and one denom that handling is like watching a kindergarten roller derby as they slide all over the place to own a large unique set of them, and gladly say "thank you sir may I have another!"

So, eh. That's helpful, right? :p
I'd consider what you have there as two completely different sets that just happen to share a common inlay. Build out one or the other (or both, if independently wealthy), or sell one or the other (or both, if finally disgusted with the whole thing).

However, it would tilt me no end to mix them up in play...... they look like crap together. I'd rather kill myself. (this was not a poll option)
Yeah Dave I just finished sorting them into two sets before you posted lol. Seems most logical and wouldn't want to inflict the conundrum on others.
Hmmm...... just realized that I can change my poll vote, but you can't edit the OP? WTF is up with that.....
Good looking chips... I'm positive that I could put those in play at our weekly game and it would take a month for people to realize they were different. Different strokes.,... I voted you play with them but judging by responses I'm in the minority.
Like Dave says keep one or the other. Then give the smaller set to Tommy to raffle-off at the month's end.
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It would tilt the bleep out of me if they were on the same table. On different tables? Sure, no problem. I probably couldn't house them all together though and would keep them as 2 separate sets
They're just too different for me, and I'm the one who mixed solid and spotted chips (but with exactly the same base color) a la the Flamingo. I agree with Dave and others -- keep one, sell the other.
Yeah, that's the eventual plan, to sell. Still holding out hope to find $5's that match one or the other. Appreciate all the comments!
Look for sale of an awesome tourney and sweet cash set soon.

Aww crap.

This is gonna leave me with either a big hole in my wallet or a serious case of non-buyer's remorse.

Plus an even bigger hole in my wallet when I have to make a trip up to Club Courage to play 1/1/5/lol with Samurais. :eek:
Aww crap.

This is gonna leave me with either a big hole in my wallet or a serious case of non-buyer's remorse.

Plus an even bigger hole in my wallet when I have to make a trip up to Club Courage to play 1/1/5/lol with Samurais. :eek:
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loving it.

btw, not that i wouldn't have done the same, but i wish there was a "largest set purchased for smallest number of chips needed" thread.
Good looking chips... I'm positive that I could put those in play at our weekly game and it would take a month for people to realize they were different. Different strokes.,... I voted you play with them but judging by responses I'm in the minority.

You know it's weird....I think I could live with this set as is. For some reason, things like this usually bother me but it really doesn't in this case. Maybe if you post splashed pot pron or at least the faces together, I might feel differently?
All things being relative, I'd say I could live with 'em. You could be mixing BCC with Paulson, ASM or other chips, which WOULD drive me nutz... And they are all on the same mold too, so not so bad.
Congrats to redbelly for buying the tourney set! I'll be keeping 100 of the NCV.

Still working on compiling the cash sets, one to sell, one to keep.

Congrats to redbelly for buying the tourney set! I'll be keeping 100 of the NCV.

redbelly is steady building an arsenal of amazing sets - congrats, redbelly!

and you show your generosity in letting courage keep those beautiful mint chocolate chip quarter pies :)
Just for fun, here's an md-50 Samurai Palace tribute set done in Cali colors but using the same logic of spot progression. 25c, $1, $5, $20, $100.


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