Bad bad run... (7 Viewers)


Straight Flush
Dec 9, 2014
Reaction score
Rocky Mountain High
Man, I had the worst run I've ever had in a card game last night. Solid 3 hour session. 11 players at the table. Never took a pot. Not one. I got rivered about 4 times and went home down 2.5 buy ins.Best hand I was dealt was a pair of 5s once. Never flopped better than bottom pair a couple of times. Makes you want to beat someone else's kids...I'm still tilted.
happens often to me.. not quite that bad (some games I only win 3-4 medium sized pots). Keep your chin up! will turn around soon !!

(although realistically its has 50/50 chance of turning around ;:)
Sorry to hear Slisk. Some days you're the fist, and some days you're the face. Recently I've had a spate of hands in limit Omaha hi/lo where I'm 70-80% equity on the flop against my opponents and they turn or river me and I get zip. I identify very much with your frustration. :(
went home down 2.5 buy ins

Having a bad run always sucks, but it sounds like you had crap hands most of the night. At least it didn't get REALLY expensive.

Crap cards are no fun, but second-best is the worst! If you kept getting second-best all night, you could have lost a lot more than 2.5 buy-ins.

Hang in there... next time almost certainly won't be as bad.
hmmmmmm, my bad run lasted over a year...............suck it up :) :) :)


Having a bad run always sucks, but it sounds like you had crap hands most of the night. At least it didn't get REALLY expensive.

Crap cards are no fun, but second-best is the worst! If you kept getting second-best all night, you could have lost a lot more than 2.5 buy-ins.

Hang in there... next time almost certainly won't be as bad.

and ^this^

While running with crap cards for an extended period of time at least limits your bankroll damage, IMHO it takes just as much of a toll as it gets boring sitting there hand after hand tossing cards away. I only play 2-4 times a month but I hit a stretch a few years ago like DD mentioned, I swear I didn't see a pocket pair above 5s for 6 months - it was almost enough for me to walk away, just wasn't having fun anymore.

However keep up with it - these things too shall come to pass. :)
Yeah, having no cards to play can be worse than not playing cards.

When I'm running dry, I try to practice reading everyone else at the table. Not exciting, but good practice.
Hang in there Slisk!! Cards fall where they fall... Hero playing and loosing your patience can be even worse... As Nomad said, use those occasions to practice your patience and reading abilities man... I hope next time you run in Godlike mode...
That's poker. If there was no luck involved, there would be no fish in the game.
I am down at MY home game 6x buyins, it super sucks, but at least with crap cards you can get away from the hand easier...
Bad runs are part of poker, and eating too much ice cream for some.

I have had some terrible stretches of running poorly in my life.

Let's say flopping a set when you have a wired pair.
On average, you will flop a set 1 out of every 7.5 times.

After a grip of terrible sessions, I decided to keeping track of how many sets I flopped or would have flopped if I had called for 50 pocket pairs.
After 50 I found that only on three occasions did my pocket pair actually flop a set.

When I started running good again, it seemed I was flopping a set every 3 or 4 pocket pairs.

Remember that the short-term variance has nothing to do with long-term expectation.

If you take say a pocket pair out of a deck of cards, and shuffle the remaining cards and deal out a flop 100 times and record the results, (sadly I have actually done this),
you will find that you will indeed flop a set about 12 times out of the hundred.
having a cold night and being the host sucks. Hard to walk away from your own game (especially if you are short handed). But at someone else's place you can walk away when down 2-3 buy ins. I lose so much more here because I stick around for 4-6 buy in and go on tilt easier
I wasn't hosting but I drove another guy so I kept playing. It's all good. We'll see what happens this week.
Played a tournament yesterday
30k ss, 40min blinds, 3day event.

Had the 2nd best hand in pretty much every pot I played.
Got dealt TT v QQ and QQ v AA
Didnt go on tilt tho. Was just quite hard to play 6ways every hand and either hitting nothing or running in a bigger hand
I guess like many of us, we might look at luck as the enemy or other factors so I really took a look at my game, bet sizing, how aggressive I was being, etc. I would say my table image was a LAG with big bluff potential. I decided to try and change my table image a bit by tightening up and controlling bet size regardless of hand strength preflop. We play 1/2 NL with 100 Riyal buy ins. After I started this thread i had two more losing nights but not like before. Then the cards started coming around. The last four sessions I've been on a winning streak. Last night was pretty big but I only took maybe 8 pots.

I've taken advice to be patient and pick my spots. I'm probably playing a third less hands....finally off tilt. I also ditched that good luck charm. :) Need a new Jobu.

Last night's stack, brought a mixed casino set to a new players house.

having a cold night and being the host sucks. Hard to walk away from your own game (especially if you are short handed). But at someone else's place you can walk away when down 2-3 buy ins. I lose so much more here because I stick around for 4-6 buy in and go on tilt easier

This for sure... I host a lot, and it's tough when I'm down when I host..
Seems like good money going after bad..

WTF dude... Chip abuse? Why are you playing nice Paulson clay chips on a hardwood surface? The. Potential for damage, Knicks, chips, etc is greatly increased IMHO. Save the plastic chips for this type of game. Just sayin... But nice chip stack, ;).
I guess like many of us, we might look at luck as the enemy or other factors so I really took a look at my game, bet sizing, how aggressive I was being, etc. I would say my table image was a LAG with big bluff potential. I decided to try and change my table image a bit by tightening up and controlling bet size regardless of hand strength preflop. We play 1/2 NL with 100 Riyal buy ins. After I started this thread i had two more losing nights but not like before. Then the cards started coming around. The last four sessions I've been on a winning streak. Last night was pretty big but I only took maybe 8 pots.

I've taken advice to be patient and pick my spots. I'm probably playing a third less hands....finally off tilt. I also ditched that good luck charm. :) Need a new Jobu.

Last night's stack, brought a mixed casino set to a new players house.


Nice stack!

But just like
@Trihonda I was shocked to see that you use them on a table made of wood :o
I have a long road ahead of me with this group. None have any chips worth playing with or have a poker table. Finding any foam is almost impossible. I'm bringing a poker hoody back to take around with me. My setup is OK but I'm not able to host much for domestic reasons.

Every chip here is well used casino, I have the new chips squirreled away for another day. :)
I guess like many of us, we might look at luck as the enemy or other factors so I really took a look at my game, bet sizing, how aggressive I was being, etc. I would say my table image was a LAG with big bluff potential. I decided to try and change my table image a bit by tightening up and controlling bet size regardless of hand strength preflop. We play 1/2 NL with 100 Riyal buy ins. After I started this thread i had two more losing nights but not like before. Then the cards started coming around. The last four sessions I've been on a winning streak. Last night was pretty big but I only took maybe 8 pots.

I've taken advice to be patient and pick my spots. I'm probably playing a third less hands....finally off tilt. I also ditched that good luck charm. :) Need a new Jobu.

Last night's stack, brought a mixed casino set to a new players house.

"Superstition is so destructive to poker profit that i believe the costliest thing a player can bring to the table is a good-luck charm."
-Doyle Brunson
"Superstition is so destructive to poker profit that i believe the costliest thing a player can bring to the table is a good-luck charm."
-Doyle Brunson

whose stack can be seen here with his lucky zippo.

I read someone gave it to him and his dogs name was casper. So he liked it.
People felt it was lucky and he started renting it out for thousands.
Johnny chan does the orange
But has mentioned he likes to use the asian orange/goodluck thing to help his image. He wants to look superstitious
I was scrolling down to post what jbutler did, lol. I'm sure Doyle doesn't "actually" believe it's lucky, but he most certainly acts like he thinks it is.

Also, 10cent, i thought I heard at some point that the reason Johnny (fucking) Chan started keeping an orange was because he hated the cigarette smoke at the poker table and when ever he wanted to smell something better when someone near him was smoking he would grab his orange and peel it a little or knick the skin and smell the fresh orange smell... Could be wrong, or maybe it's his lucky charm now, meh.... ;)
Also, 10cent, i thought I heard at some point that the reason Johnny (fucking) Chan started keeping an orange was because he hated the cigarette smoke at the poker table and when ever he wanted to smell something better when someone near him was smoking he would grab his orange and peel it a little or knick the skin and smell the fresh orange smell...

yeah this is my memory, too, though 10cent is also right that he has said that once he realized people thought he carried it for luck, he didn't correct them so as to appear superstitious.
I guess like many of us, we might look at luck as the enemy or other factors so I really took a look at my game, bet sizing, how aggressive I was being, etc. I would say my table image was a LAG with big bluff potential. I decided to try and change my table image a bit by tightening up and controlling bet size regardless of hand strength preflop. We play 1/2 NL with 100 Riyal buy ins. After I started this thread i had two more losing nights but not like before. Then the cards started coming around. The last four sessions I've been on a winning streak. Last night was pretty big but I only took maybe 8 pots.

I've taken advice to be patient and pick my spots. I'm probably playing a third less hands....finally off tilt. I also ditched that good luck charm. :) Need a new Jobu.

Last night's stack, brought a mixed casino set to a new players house.


Gambling and drinking in Saudi Arabia? You like to live dangerously!

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