Unfortunately even though I think they’d work for most, the idea of this set is that every casino has a strong connection to my wife and I, and Dunes doesn’t. My wife has to like each chip’s design too, just to make this harder

The $1 is Excalibur quarter pies. Excalibur is the first place we stayed in Vegas and also the first casino I ever played poker in. The quarter-pie look definitely meets wife-likes standards too! It’ll take me some time but I’ll get enough of ‘em to work.
The $100 is Tropicana. We’re from Jersey and the Trop in AC has been our go-to ever since we moved here years ago. It’s a stretch to use a AC connection but I’m ok with that since AC is so much of our casino history and again, she loves the actual chip!
MGM Grand had my wife’s all-time favorite game (a little horse racing game that ran on quarters - an actual cabinet with little horses in it that moved around a track). I absolutely will find some way to get MGM incorporated even if my grail chips won’t work

. Etc. Etc.
So this set is 100% about us vs a traditional House Mold set most would do on PCF. I’m really only looking to be able to cover 4 players…it’s really meant for just my family to use. So that helps on quantities. And proper bet amounts typically need not apply when my wife and kids and I play, so that helps too. Nor is making semi-frequent change a problem. But I do need some workhorse chip and we usually play 1/2 NL so that brings me to a $5!!
Sorry for the long answer
@LeGold but I figured it could help others who stumble on the thread and wonder why this idiot won’t use any of the easier to get options!!