- Nov 10, 2024
- 7:30 PM Eastern Time
- $1
- $1
- PayPal F&F
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- Free to US, International at cost.
- USPS Small Flat Rate Box
- The highest bid at the closing time listed above will win. If there is a bid within 5 minutes of the closing time (original or extended closing time), 5 minutes shall be added to the time of the last bid, until there are no bids within the final 5 minutes. Because seconds are not displayed on post timestamps, these examples will be used as a reference.
- No Reserve. The Starting Bid of this auction will be treated as the Reserve Price.
- Bids must be placed in whole US dollars, following the specified minimum increment amounts. The use of the dollar sign is optional. Bids using images or spelled out numbers are not valid.
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This is for flattening 43mm chips. If you are trying to flatten 39mm chips, you should look at the other auction.
I accept Venmo, Zelle, PayPal friends, and PayPal G&S (if you pay the premium). Free shipping for USA. Other destinations, buyer pays shipping.
Auction items:
I accept Venmo, Zelle, PayPal friends, and PayPal G&S (if you pay the premium). Free shipping for USA. Other destinations, buyer pays shipping.
Auction items:
- Orange rack from 3d3P designed for setting up twenty 43mm chips to be flattened at a time.
- Twenty-two 47mm blank ceramic spacers from BR Pro Poker. The ceramics are oversized and recommended for flattening your 43mm chips.
- Buy a heating pad with a thermostat. This one is recommended.
- Preheat your heating pad to 140°.
- Fold the heating pad in half. Heat 20 chips inside at 140° and 22 spacers on top for 10 minutes.
- Place warm chips and spacers in the 3d3P rack and lightly clamp with something like this one which has a hand screw. Only clamp hard enough to keep the barrels together.
- Heat 45 minutes while clamped in the 140° heating pad folded in half.
- During the 45 minute heat, tighten the clamp every 15 minutes. Only use two fingers to lightly tighten just enough to hold the barrel together. Do not crank it down.
- No more heat. Remove barrels from the heating pad and lightly tighten.
- Cool for an hour, tighten the clamp one last time, cool for another hour.
- Unclamp and leave your flattened barrel stacked vertically for 24 hours.