Windwalker on Hustler Casino Live?!?!?!?!?!? (3 Viewers)

Wow. That was possibly the worst run of cards I’ve ever had in a session.

AA vs Q8, flop of QQx
AK vs J10 flop KQ, turn an A
AQ vs KQ, flop is Kxx
And those were just in the last hour.

And almost every time I’d fold a gut shot, a flush draw or a straight draw, it would hit. Every time I’d call, it wouldn’t.

Honestly so disgusted. Lost about $160k this session, mostly on idiotic hands like the one above.

Of course, the compounding tilt factor after each of those hands were amplified, and I made some stupid plays. I’m gonna stop playing for a while, just hoping this runbad stays in poker; and not in the rest of my life.

Bleh. :vomit:
I’d really like to throw stones at that achievement and declare rampage’s incompetence, but as someone who has lost 1,000 BB in a .25/.50 game, I’m going to remain quiet.

My worst session ever in bb/hr was at SQM a couple years ago playing .25/.50 PL circus games.

In five hours I lost 2,000 bb. I was so insanely tilted that I had to go back to the Airbnb and take a nap.
The AQ hand is just coming up. Disgusting call from Gal.
Don't beat yourself up over the cards that come after you folded. What matters is that you get it in good and are playing correctly.

The J8 fold when you had two pair off the turn but with the straight on the board was the right fold as well.
Wow. That was possibly the worst run of cards I’ve ever had in a session.

AA vs Q8, flop of QQx
AK vs J10 flop KQ, turn an A
AQ vs KQ, flop is Kxx
And those were just in the last hour.

And almost every time I’d fold a gut shot, a flush draw or a straight draw, it would hit. Every time I’d call, it wouldn’t.

Honestly so disgusted. Lost about $160k this session, mostly on idiotic hands like the one above.

Of course, the compounding tilt factor after each of those hands were amplified, and I made some stupid plays. I’m gonna stop playing for a while, just hoping this runbad stays in poker; and not in the rest of my life.

Bleh. :vomit:
Oh and let’s not forget Gal calling a raise with 5-10s and rivering a flush against my KQ, with a Q on the board.
Oh and let’s not forget Gal calling a raise with 5-10s and rivering a flush against my KQ, with a Q on the board.
Oof, didn't get there yet I don't think unless I missed it when I got up to make a snack.

I say it with all due respect since he'd probably wipe the floor with me if I ever sat down with him, but I don't understand how Gal wins as much as he does. He makes some pretty marginal hero calls in some big spots. But just about every time he comes out of it smelling like roses. He's easy to exploit, but it's hard to exploit when he runs the purest out of all of the regulars I've seen on this stream. Nick gets pretty lucky too.
Oh and let’s not forget Gal calling a raise with 5-10s and rivering a flush against my KQ, with a Q on the board.
I’m sorry to hear all this. That is quite a delay, just two hours in. God, started right at the beginning, as soon as you folded that two pair, j8, I think, and the dang j came you didn’t look happy. Such a brutal game and I can’t even imagine at those stakes. I’m sure you’ll come back from this. It’s been quite enjoyable watching you play and I’m impressed with how you handle yourself.
Case in point re: Gal. He rivers the gutshot to go straight over straight.
Gal has some information at this table. His play suggests that he has reads on these players. It’s either that or he’s extremely confident that he can outplay almost anyone at the table.
Gal has some information at this table. His play suggests that he has reads on these players. It’s either that or he’s extremely confident that he can outplay almost anyone at the table.
To your point, I don't buy this. He's a very good player, but there's just no way he picks up all of this info just on his reads alone.

It almost makes me think something is amiss, and we haven't even seen the 5/10 offsuit flush hand that Krish alluded to.
Oh and let’s not forget Gal calling a raise with 5-10s and rivering a flush against my KQ, with a Q on the board.

i have not seen this hand yet, but this is almost certainly how gal wants you to react afterwards. he's not just lucky, and you shouldn't let yourself get into that mentality.
i have not seen this hand yet, but this is almost certainly how gal wants you to react afterwards. he's not just lucky, and you shouldn't let yourself get into that mentality.
Oh I wasn’t commenting about his luck. I was commenting on my run-bad. They’re all world class players. I was just saying that all those hands compounded the tilt.
Wow nice river bluff with the QJ busted double gutter! Beautiful!
The turn bet and subsequent check down on the river on a blank really made no sense. Good situational awareness from Krish to bet after the check.
Holy moly, how many times are aces going to come up?
Sorry about your run of bad cards. That had to be insanely frustrating! Hard to enjoy a pleasant evening of poker when everything keeps running against you like that.

Do you think it really did put you on tilt and affected your decisions? If so, that might be the next area to focus on as you continue to improve your skills. Nobody can truly control their emotions, and there's no reason you should try; getting shitty cards is a shitty experience and it's gonna feel shitty no matter what, and that's fine. But it's important (and difficult!) in poker to not let it change the way you play your cards.

On the twoplustwo forum, when people post hand histories to review, they're encouraged to not post how the cards came out. That's because results don't matter. All that matters is whether you made good or bad decisions. In the short run, bad luck will cost you a fortune. In the long run, good decisions will win it all back and then some. The more you can internalize that fundamental truth, the better you'll be at making good decisions even when they come out bad. Eventually you'll be able to laugh in the face of fortune with confidence knowing that you played it right and the wheel will turn in your favor again someday.

We're all rooting for you!
#1 : tha rampage quake sound was hilarious

#2 : right on the first hand Krish is complaining how slippery these chips are. And on the second hand Andys chips fall almost off the table. The Hustler Casino needs new chips for the show! Please help @Windwalker
On the stream Krish was saying that new chips are incoming! Pretty cool.
To your point, I don't buy this. He's a very good player, but there's just no way he picks up all of this info just on his reads alone.

It almost makes me think something is amiss, and we haven't even seen the 5/10 offsuit flush hand that Krish alluded to.

I have a theory about Gal @JMC9389 I’m going to go back and watch more before I suggest what I think.

Gal #ConfirmedCuban ???

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