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Looks like this will be a draw regardless which makes sense since it’s a big lot and a huge hassle to split up. So to whoever wins (If not me) Im interested in buying 3 racks of blue.
I’d be able to use them interchangeably as they’re practically identical for my purposes and I was pretty clear that I’m flexible on the smaller details / price and have been asking around for a couple of months.

Its a bit of a stretch to say they’re not called thc. If you search “c&j” you’ll find most threads refer to them as “THC (c&j)” or something similar. Thc is the mold not the manufacturer. Alternatively if someone asked for thc and SCV or LCV chips were posted you wouldn’t say that they aren’t thc - they’re a subset of thc’s.
$210 for the blues?? Haha I'm messin with ya!
Oooo You throw a wrench in the works! I suppose I could put you in at the top of the list holding me to my thread about wanted ads! But then can I hold you to your prices? hahahah Or just in the draw.

That’s fair. Why not both?
I’ll take 3 racks for $210 and be in the draw for the rest.
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