This portion of Tiger Palace sales has ended
Public (open to all) Rack Sales: March 4th-5th (2023)
Public (open to all) Rack Sales: March 4th-5th (2023)
The Rack Sales #2 happened on Saturday March 4th and the order book was open for 24 hours. This particular sales was open to every PCF member, regardless of whether they had participated in any prior Tiger Palace sales. The order was limited to 6 racks (max), from all Tiger chip sets: hot stamps, primary and secondary cash and 4TSA18 aka 'bear claws'.
Hot Stamps:
T1: $650/rack
T5: $750/rack
T25: $550/rack
T100: $600/rack
T500: $600/rack
T1000: $650/rack
T5000: $850/rack
T25,000: $700/rack
T100,000: $900/rack
T-NCV (Arc Yellow): $850/rack
Primary cash denoms/rack
$0.25: $700/rack
$.50: $800/rack
$1: $550/rack
$2: $1,200/rack
$5: $700/rack
$20: $900/rack
$25: $600/rack
$100: $1,000/rack
$500: $900/rack
$1000: $1,100/rack
$5000: $1,100/rack
$25,000 (43mm): $1,200/rack
Secondary cash denoms/rack
$0.25: $700/rack
$.50: $800/rack
$1: $550/rack
$2: $700/rack
$5: $900/rack
$20: $1,000/rack
$25: $950/rack
$100: $1,000/rack
$500: $1,000/rack
$1000: $750/rack
$5000: $1,100/rack
$25,000 (43mm): $1,200/rack
4TSA18 aka 'Bear Claws'
NCV - Aqua: $1,000
NCV - White: $950/rack
NCV - Canary Yellow: $950/rack
NCV - Red: $950/rack
NCV - Day Green: $1,100/rack
NCV - Black: $1,100/rack
NCV - Blaze Orange: $1,500/rack
NCV - Charcoal: $1,200/rack
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