The new Classic Victorians! (1 Viewer)


3 of a Kind
Site Vendor
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Salt Lake City
Sorry for the delay in posting as my work life has been rather crazy to do much else lately! Here are some images of the new Classic Victorians (poker size, jumbo index, 100% plastic). The back colors are Basilisk (green), Chimaera (purple), Wyvern (brown), and Phoenix (orange). I am a lover of fantasy so it continues with the color naming theme when I first produced the Victorians with the Dragon (red) and Griffon (blue) decks. I have completely redesigned the faces, made small design changes to the suits (the spades and clubs are the most noticeable), and updated the artwork all around. I will post sometime in November a detailed change memoir if you will so that you can enjoy the reasoning for each design of the court cards, as these got the most of the redesign. More info later, but here are some images, enjoy!

Looking good! Got my first set of your cards a month or so ago and I'm in love with them! Mine are the Dragon and Griffon. Keep up the good work!
These are some of my favorite cards. Would love to see the Dragon/Griffon colours return, but some of these new ones will be making an appearance at my games at some point.
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(Sourry for bumping an old thread but since Jason is back...)

Jason, is there any chance you'll offer the Classic Victorian pattern in blackjack size?
Thank you for the reminder on this thread. It has been requested often to do the red/blue combination again. It will happen, but I don't know when exactly.

Toad, I like to keep back designs used with the face designs consistent, so when the Blackjack faces are released, a new back design will accompany them.

Jeff, when I get back from vacation this week, I will have more info on the Desjgn vendor page.

Thank you for the compliments and comments!
If you'd like I can move this thread to your new vendor section so its easier for people to find this and other threads about your products?
Toad, I like to keep back designs used with the face designs consistent, so when the Blackjack faces are released, a new back design will accompany them.
Whoops--sorry, I meant bridge size. It would be cool to see the Victorian pattern in narrow format. (y) :thumbsup:

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