Texas Card House (1 Viewer)


Two Pair
Oct 29, 2014
Reaction score
London, Ontario, Canada
I saw this posted on the other site by Meddler, and I think its worth posting over here. A cool idea to get some legal gambling in a state where that is not usually allowed. I wonder if this kind of thing would ever fly here in Ontario or anywhere else? The chips are pretty decent too.

Link to a news article: Here
Website: www.texascardhouse.com

They say they have done the math and their membership prices work out to be much lower than paying rake and tips for 1/1 and 1/2. Do you agree with this? Do you think a room like this would support lower stakes, .25/.50 or .50/1?

It looks like they have been up and running for over a month now, is it just a matter of time before they are raided and shut down, or have they found an actual legal way to go about this?
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I live in Texas but not particularly close to Austin. I seem to recall something similar at some point in the past that was eventually closed by the authorities. I have no real knowledge of the law, so I can't comment from any knowledge, but this seems unlikely to fly to me....

The math looks good to me as long as you are a winner. If you're a loser that night though, you lose your buy-ins plus the fee. At a regular table, you never lose more than buy in for.
The math looks good to me as long as you are a winner. If you're a loser that night though, you lose your buy-ins plus the fee. At a regular table, you never lose more than buy in for.

uh, no.... you lose that buy-in amount plus the house rake (hourly or per-pot) and any dealer tips you generously donate. In a club environment, those items (rake/tips) are instead paid for with your membership fee.
uh, no.... you lose that buy-in amount plus the house rake (hourly or per-pot) and any dealer tips you generously donate. In a club environment, those items (rake/tips) are instead paid for with your membership fee.

Yes but if you buy in for $200 and lose you are only losing $200 regardless of tips/rake. But there you are also losing the additional $25 (or whatever it is) membership fee.

Of course the answer is buy in for the amount minus the membership price.

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