Should a host be playing the whole night or is it okay for them to bust out? (1 Viewer)


Two Pair
Mar 28, 2023
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
I have a friend that is new to hosting and but not new to poker, and wants to host a cash game for the first time. He wants buy in once for himself at start, and if he loses his starting stack, watch everyone play for the rest of the night, be it hours at a time. I told him that that was poor etiquette, and that as the host, it is sort of expected you rebuy and remain playing at the table while your game goes on (unless you run really bad and go through a lot of rebuys). He didn't believe me, so I told him I would find out. Please give me your thoughts on this subject. Thanks!
I don't really find it to be a big deal if they are a generally accommodating host (good table, chips, food, etc). This is especially true if they are full-time dealing. Obviously, the preference would be they continue to play, but if I'm going to tell players to only do what they're comfortable with I don't see why that would be much different for the host. Of course, I don't know all generally accepted home game ettiqute, but it's not like he's pulling a hit-n-run and taking money off the table.
I think it’s totally fine. However, he should be open about the expected game duration and try to follow that unless there were extenuating circumstances.

For instance, if he busted early and then declared “game over in 30 minutes”, that would be odd.

Host obviously has the ability to call the game at any point for any reason, but it might hurt future attendance if that kind of thing was prone to happening.

I think it’s common to sit out or take a break if busting. Sometimes it’s a good move. Host or otherwise.
Yeah, I’ve busted 3 times in the first hour of hosting, and tapped out. Let the game go, don’t end it early. They could deal for a while as well. Their job as host is not to play 100% of the time. They run the bank, and host. Heck, they don’t even have to play. I’ve given up my seat when we had an extra player, and waited for a player to bust, sometimes rarely playing. It’s all good by me.
(There are of course exceptions but) It's a little bit odd but maybe that's more to do with any player leaving a cash game after just one buyin. My game is single table 8max, ideally 6/7 players, so it only takes a couple to call it a day early to put the game in danger of ending.

Someone being unlucky and getting to their stop-loss early is one thing but if you're not prepared for at least 3 buyins (3x100bb say) then it would be noticed and you'd slip down the invite list for sure.

I'd certainly expect a host to do x3 but as long as they are a good host it probably doesn't matter. A host that starts wrapping up once they're done isn't going to have a game for long, (not that this is a case of that).
I have hosted many games, and while I don't normally bust, I have and am completely committed to dealing full time if I don't want to rebuy. I've also had guest players who want to hang out (and maybe reconsider rebuying) that have volunteered to full time deal which is great!
I think the host just wants good company in the end. As long as he hosted a great game with good atmosphere all is good! Takes a lot to be a good host so I would be alright with his decision. Even if he didn’t play one hand who cares tbh ! Cheers to the hosts
Cash game is a cash game. You play until you don’t want to play any more. I think it’s unfair to put pressure on somebody who’s already opened their home to everybody to keep pumping money on a bad night.

The only exception would be as mentioned that dropping out would essentially break up the game after only an hour or two of playing.
Host sets the tone. If the host buys in once and then sits out then he is only encouraging the same behaviour in the rest of the players. Soon his cash games will become nit fests with no-one rebuying and the game ending early.
Host sets the tone. If the host buys in once and then sits out then he is only encouraging the same behaviour in the rest of the players. Soon his cash games will become nit fests with no-one rebuying and the game ending early.
I agree (to a certain point). I always rebuy at least 2-3 times when I'm the host. However, if I keep running bad, I'll just step away as a player and deal the rest of the night.
Host sets the tone. If the host buys in once and then sits out then he is only encouraging the same behaviour in the rest of the players. Soon his cash games will become nit fests with no-one rebuying and the game ending early.
I can agree to a point, if host does it all the time then yes. If it's an occasional thing then I don't think it matters
I’ve played in games where the host doesn’t play at all (admittedly those have all been raked games), and I’ve played in games where the host plays (both raked and unraked).

The only times I’ve experienced a host not playing at an unraked game is:

A) when there’s a waitlist so the host gives up their seat until there’s no longer a list
B) the host already lost heaps in the game
C) we’ve played for 20 hours or whatever and the host wants to sleep
D) hosting duties have pulled them away for a brief period of time (running to the store, or preparing food or drinks, etc)

Personally I think it’s odd to be at a host’s place and they aren’t playing. If they couldn’t afford it or weren’t feeling well, we could reschedule or move the game to another person’s place. But I also wouldn’t NOT play at a buddy’s game if he wasn’t playing. If the host has a great poker set up and just wants to be around the action, I don’t really see a problem with it.

For me the issue is much more the “one buy-in and I’m done” mentality. I think that’s really poor etiquette and almost feels like a shot-taker or sore loser. Not only does it leave the game shorter handed, but it also is a weird mentality for the rest of the table. They know if Jimmy busts then he’s out and they’re down a player, and if the game is super friendly, then people might pull punches because they don’t want to be the one responsible for Jimmy sitting out.

I can say that if I knew the host would always be one and done, I’d rarely ever play there.
Idk about etiquette, but I couldn't imagine going to the trouble of hosting and stopping after one buy in. I'm hosting because I want to play poker! Anyways, I don't think it's much of an issue unless it leaves you short players or contributes to the game ending early.
There's probably a subset of hosts out there that prefer the hosting/dealing side of poker over the playing side of poker despite enjoying both. I'm part of that subset, and I don't think my players are basing their play off me since they know that I'm primarily there to keep the event organised, not win big stacks.

I can't fathom someone actually getting annoyed at me for not dumping enough to them on a bad night, or requesting a reschedule because the host isn't up for playing much even though they're perfectly willing and able to host the game for the benefit of others. The host is just one player, and they have the benefit of usually getting enjoyment out of the game without having to play unlike most normal players. The host has also already made investments in the set, and in the organisational side of things.

Then again, I mostly run tournaments, which is a very different dynamic for this topic.
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1. Nobody should ever quit a big bet game after losing one buy-in.

2. If there’s somebody there to take the open seat, I couldn’t care less who quits, unless it’s a hit and run.

3. Hosting isn’t easy. As a host, the game is more important than my results. Sometimes that means rebuying when I’d otherwise quit. Sometimes it means playing loose or stupid or whatever, when I could win more money playing my best game.

My bottom line answer is that if you want to be a good host, you focus on everybody else’s experience. The whole win loss thing has to take a distant back seat.
Simply put, if you’re the host and you quit, leaving the game shorthanded, you suck. There may be extenuating circumstances that could determine how much you suck, but you still suck.
Maybe he could host lower stakes where he'd be comfortable re-buying. Putting in all the effort to run a game only to be shot-taking a single buy-in seems dreary.
And yea, doesn't really encourage others to re-buy so doesn't sound like the groundwork for a good game. I get no pressure for anyone to go super broke though. But only being down for 1 buy seems tight.
Host sets the tone. If the host buys in once and then sits out then he is only encouraging the same behaviour in the rest of the players. Soon his cash games will become nit fests with no-one rebuying and the game ending early.
A few of us here play in a game where the host only fires one round. He's more than happy to continue to deal, make bank, laugh and joke and lie with the rest of us. The game often runs till the wee hours of the morning. He has a system. Everyone else doesn't have that same system, and are fine with him being him.
A few of us here play in a game where the host only fires one round. He's more than happy to continue to deal, make bank, laugh and joke and lie with the rest of us. The game often runs till the wee hours of the morning. He has a system. Everyone else doesn't have that same system, and are fine with him being him.
If people don’t mind playing short handed, that’s great; sounds like a good host.
That’s probably something we don’t mention enough. We all know how much one single player can’t bring down the vibe of the table, if he’s losing money and he’s tense and angry and frustrated and stressed about it. Hopefully you don’t have anybody at the table like that, but you definitely don’t need it to be the host.
We use to offer to rebuy for him, if he busted, but, he's got a system and it doesn't involve rebuying. He's a great host, a good dealer, and gets tipped out for dealing when he busts.

As a group we felt kind of odd if he busted and kept dealing without rebuying, but, we learned that he had some rules he's set for himself, and we respect that. There's enough other degens at the table to make up for it. He seldom busts early, we usually have 10 to start. We rarely run short handed. We're good with running 6-7 handed later in the evening.

The Cardinal Club is a nice card room, great group of regs.
In my current weekly game (with three rotating hosts), my biggest losses have been nights that I'm hosting. I can't sideline myself when the game is at my house, even when I'm running bad, tilted, or just not playing my A game.

It feels weird to sit out when a game is going at my place. And it's probably good for the game (and my long-term winrate) when players see me give back a big chunk once in a while. If you don't give action, you don't get action.

That said, as long as he doesn't end the game early, I would never judge or hold it against a host who hit a stop-loss or just decided his heart wasn't in it and stopped playing.

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