New Member
Hello everybody,
So I wouldn't say that I'm new to texas hold'em but I am new to being aware of what's going on, if that makes sense. Like I finally started paying attention when I play. There are some concepts that some might consider basic but I just need somebody to explain them to me like a one might explain them to a child.
1st: Position awareness. My understanding is that when you're on the button you're in position. This is because you have the most information without having been forced to act yet. This means the closer you get to position the wider range of hands you're "allowed" to play?
2nd: 3 betting. I know this basically stands for reraising and I know the general rule is to raise somewhere around 2.5-3x the raiser's bet. But what about the original raiser? what is an appropriate amount to raise over the blinds in say a 1/3 game?
3rd: I've got little to no understanding of pot odds....
4th and final: What do people mean by study? What we studying exactly? study materials?
Thank you to whoever replys you have no idea how much I appreciate it.
So I wouldn't say that I'm new to texas hold'em but I am new to being aware of what's going on, if that makes sense. Like I finally started paying attention when I play. There are some concepts that some might consider basic but I just need somebody to explain them to me like a one might explain them to a child.
1st: Position awareness. My understanding is that when you're on the button you're in position. This is because you have the most information without having been forced to act yet. This means the closer you get to position the wider range of hands you're "allowed" to play?
2nd: 3 betting. I know this basically stands for reraising and I know the general rule is to raise somewhere around 2.5-3x the raiser's bet. But what about the original raiser? what is an appropriate amount to raise over the blinds in say a 1/3 game?
3rd: I've got little to no understanding of pot odds....
4th and final: What do people mean by study? What we studying exactly? study materials?
Thank you to whoever replys you have no idea how much I appreciate it.