Required Open In Triple Draw Games? (preventing pre-flop limping) (1 Viewer)


Full House
Jun 24, 2017
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
When playing circus games (specifically triple draw games), are there any methods (e.g. required opens) you use to prevent everyone from seeing the first draw and all drawing 3-4 cards? Any other techniques you use to ensure you're not regularly having to go into folds/discards for future draws?

If so, what is it/how do you enforce it? Are you playing with blinds and required opens/antes requiring opens or folds/etc.? Am I being stupid even thinking about this?
I’d tell that guy that if he steals one more pair of my underwear, he’ll never be invited…

Wait, this is actually about poker? I just saw you posted something about opening drawers, and figured someone at your game was doing something weird again.

Carry on.
Some examples:

“Draw 3? I bet you lease a car HAHAHAHAH”
(Don’t do this if you lease a car)

“Taking 3? HAHAHAA. I bet you pay PMI!”
(Don’t do this if you pay PMI. Particularly don’t do this if the villain doesn’t have a house and lives in his car at the local casino garage - note that this guy shouldn’t be in your game anyway (sorry @iBetOnEverything ))

“3 cards?! Oh, hi Mattb. Didn’t realize that was you”.
I’d tell that guy that if he steals one more pair of my underwear, he’ll never be invited…

Wait, this is actually about poker? I just saw you posted something about opening drawers, and figured someone at your game was doing something weird again.

Carry on.
Some examples:

“Draw 3? I bet you lease a car HAHAHAHAH”
(Don’t do this if you lease a car)

“Taking 3? HAHAHAA. I bet you pay PMI!”
(Don’t do this if you pay PMI. Particularly don’t do this if the villain doesn’t have a house and lives in his car at the local casino garage - note that this guy shouldn’t be in your game anyway (sorry @iBetOnEverything ))

“3 cards?! Oh, hi Mattb. Didn’t realize that was you”.
I've got draw 4 and even draw 5 people who have reverse mortgages and hedge us dollars with Argentinian currency.
Some examples:

“Draw 3? I bet you lease a car HAHAHAHAH”
(Don’t do this if you lease a car)

“Taking 3? HAHAHAA. I bet you pay PMI!”
(Don’t do this if you pay PMI. Particularly don’t do this if the villain doesn’t have a house and lives in his car at the local casino garage - note that this guy shouldn’t be in your game anyway (sorry @iBetOnEverything ))

“3 cards?! Oh, hi Mattb. Didn’t realize that was you”.
How else do we get to inflict maximum pain unless we draw 3 and check raise then stand Pat and watch as your head explodes into a tirade of curses?
Don't know how to answer all the procedural but yes, for any of the draw games we play ante being X and opens being 3X. No idea when that started or if its correct on the books but makes for good action.

My apes rarely fold anyways, so I like to limit their losses on the way to that third draw.
Btw, you win a prize for having the only comment of substance in this whole thread.
Here's a tip: During play, the dealer should keep discards separate from folded cards. If/when you run out of cards, shuffle the folded hands and deal those. In this way, a player can't draw the same card(s) that he/she folded.
We do that. But often have to go to the discards. And then the more recent discards. It's a shit show because people are often playing way too wide.
Playing draw games with blinds instead of antes inherently helps with this. You could absolutely make a raise to open rule, that is fairly common in PLO now. But honestly, if players are drawing 4 or 5 that frequently, they must be bottomless pits of money or no one else is playing well enough in the game to break them.

The biggest thing with discards is to make sure no card that's discarded in a given round can reappear in the same round. (There should never be a possibility of a player receiving his own card, nor being able to "pass" a card to someone else on the table.)

So never take the discards into the muck until all the new cards for the round are dealt.
Playing draw games with blinds instead of antes inherently helps with this. You could absolutely make a raise to open rule, that is fairly common in PLO now. But honestly, if players are drawing 4 or 5 that frequently, they must be bottomless pits of money or no one else is playing well enough in the game to break them.

The biggest thing with discards is to make sure no card that's discarded in a given round can reappear in the same round. (There should never be a possibility of a player receiving his own card, nor being able to "pass" a card to someone else on the table.)

So never take the discards into the muck until all the new cards for the round are dealt.
Yup, totally do that - it just gets unruly when I have to make like two new stubs in a single draw round and looking for ways to thin the field by design.
Yup, totally do that - it just gets unruly when I have to make like two new stubs in a single draw round and looking for ways to thin the field by design.
I would have UTG sit-out if you are 7-handed as well. Also, this is an old school five-card draw rule, but you could impose a 3 card limit as well. But that just forces people the play better. But any rule you come with is trying to do that, I suppose.
Most casinos would say that you should not inhibit action or the spirit of the game

And of course, there is the conventional wisdom

Play better
I would have UTG sit-out if you are 7-handed as well. Also, this is an old school five-card draw rule, but you could impose a 3 card limit as well. But that just forces people the play better. But any rule you come with is trying to do that, I suppose.
Both my local casinos force UTG to sit out 8 handed and impose a 3 card draw limit on Dramaha (not limit on triple draw but then again most of them play competently and fold out any 3 card or higher draws).
Even with 6. Often multiple players taking 4 or 5 cards on first draw, 3-4 on second.
People with an actual hand aren't betting/raising enough. If you have position on a player drawing 4-5 cards, the min bet should be pot.
People with an actual hand aren't betting/raising enough. If you have position on a player drawing 4-5 cards, the min bet should be pot.
Should be, but three bets from my group are pretty rare in these gsme unless they're dealt a made hand.

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