Rainman's Chip Flattening Oven (1 Viewer)

you can prop the oven door open a bit

Ding Ding Ding. Its not a soufflé

Not to rain on your soufflé, but I think this might be a bad idea. If the issue is with not being able to take the set point of the oven low enough, opening the door (white the oven is on) might make things worse by causing the elements to go on more frequently to try and hit and maintain the setpoint. You'd likely end up with a more uneven temperature field inside the oven.

My suggestion, for what it's worth, would be to heat the oven up to as a low a temperature as possible. This will likely still be a little too high. Turn the oven off, then open the door briefly to lower the temperature down to the desired range. To maintain that temperature, I would actually stick an incandescent light bulb or two inside the oven. The oven is basically a (somewhat) insulated box, and the heat from a couple standard 60-100W lamps would likely be enough to maintain the temperature around 130 degrees. FWIW, the EZ-Bake oven using an incandescent lamp as its heat source.

Just a thought :)
Catching bees with vinegar, I guess.

Some of you guys are just chomping at the bit to criticize every fucking post I make here regardless of the content. Yes, you included @jbutler. It's getting old already.

Read the tone of some of these responses and it's pretty easy to see why I feel like pissing some vinegar in your direction.
Some of you guys are just chomping at the bit to criticize every fucking post I make here regardless of the content. Yes, you included @jbutler. It's getting old already.

Read the tone of some of these responses and it's pretty easy to see why I feel like pissing some vinegar in your direction.

I don't recall being overly hostile to you, but okay.
I don't recall being overly hostile to you, but okay.
Well, I unblocked you, so at least I can read your posts now. One of two people I actually felt the urge to block. So there's that.
This doesn't work well as the temperature is not very controllable. It still doesn't go low enough. I want it to be a steady 130F.

I want the kind of accuracy obtainable only via hair dryer and tin foil lined shoebox.

Well, I unblocked you, so at least I can read your posts now. One of two people I actually felt the urge to block. So there's that.

I'm sure the original block was justified, so may as well stick me back on the list, I guess.
Im really not trying to be hostile toward your methods. You can heat your chips however you choose, and whatever makes you feel most comfortable. The point that some of us are trying to make is that baking chips is not a science. You aren't actually baking them, they don't need to be cooked at consistent 130 and served at medium rare. You just need to get them warm enough to tighten your clamp. You can heat your oven to 200 and then turn it off, and insert your chips when it cools to 135.

FWIW, I wouldn't bother trying to flatten Mapes chips unless they are curved like a banana.
I have a couple of serious questions:

1) What about those of us with no hair, and thus no hair dryer? I don't know if you've seen me or Butler, but our heads are like the surface of an uninhabitable planet with no atmosphere. Just barren and lifeless.

2) Does Rainman work in the insurance industry? I'm just asking because the resulting claims from this would be legitimately hillarious.

Nice police officer: "How did you burn down your bathroom?"
Me: "Well, I built a convection oven out of a shoebox, some tinfoil that was covering the potatoes in the fridge, and a hair dryer that I stole from someone. I wanted to flatten poker chips".
Not so nice police officer: "Sir, you're balder than a cue ball. If you're going to try to avoid an arson charge, at least don't be so goddamn weird."
Me: (turns around quietly with hands behind back and dreaming of solitary confinement)
^ Don't take me too goddamn seriously. I'm still the Don Rickles of Chiptalk last I checked (thanks JM, wherever you are).
In all honesty, couldn't one merely clamp the chips and leave them in a car in the sun in July with the windows closed? Just trying to think of the laziest possible way to do this.

In all honesty, couldn't one merely clamp the chips and leave them in a car in the sun in July with the windows closed? Just trying to think of the laziest possible way to do this.


I believe this technique was actually used by someone on CT, and it worked. I also recall someone ruining their set by leaving them in the trunk.
In all honesty, couldn't one merely clamp the chips and leave them in a car in the sun in July with the windows closed? Just trying to think of the laziest possible way to do this.

Im thinking to just stick them up ones butt, they will turn into diamonds. Then you can sell them and buy unwarped chips
In all honesty, couldn't one merely clamp the chips and leave them in a car in the sun in July with the windows closed? Just trying to think of the laziest possible way to do this.


Actually, that does sorta work, with two caveats: 1) don't leave them in direct sunlight, use a blanket or other covering, and 2) it's usually too damn hot in the car to make the needed clamp adjustments during the process. But as a heat source, yeah, it works great.
In my woodshop I built a cabinet and used 2 100 watt incandescent bulbs and a thermostat to keep glues and finishes from freezing. Created a pretty stable temperature.

That said, I think this is all overkill.
Got any pics of your flattened chips?
The oven is basically a (somewhat) insulated box, and the heat from a couple standard 60-100W lamps would likely be enough to maintain the temperature around 130 degrees.

In my woodshop I built a cabinet and used 2 100 watt incandescent bulbs and a thermostat to keep glues and finishes from freezing. Created a pretty stable temperature.

I feel validated (y) :thumbsup:
Im not sure how long you need to bake your chips but preheating an oven with a few bricks in it then letting it cool down to 140-150 then placing your chips inside seems ideal.

To make it really swank get an external thermometer to check inside temps without opening the oven, a lightbulb for additional heat is aldo a good idea. Goodluck
Some of you guys are just chomping at the bit to criticize every fucking post I make here regardless of the content. Yes, you included @jbutler. It's getting old already.

First, don't take it personal. The forum is a great source of useful information. Your last 2 threads (that I know of) have involved something that could be of use to the chipping community. However...

  • The Chip Pricing tool is still not available. It may never be available, and if it is, you may require us to send you money.
  • The Chip Pricing tool has valid concerns about it's potential misuse. It might not have been a concern if you created the tool then released it, but you didn't do that.
  • The hairdryer oven has not been tried yet. There are valid concerns about it's use, including risk to chips and personal safety. It might not have been as many concerns if you tried it first, then reported the results, but you didn't do that either.
The community as a whole is very concerned about chips; both their value and the chips themselves. Post something hypothetical, and the community will both support you and poke holes in your therom until it is proven. Even then, if you go outside of the proven box far enough, others will question the legitimacy of your methods until your project has been replicated by someone else.

That, by the way, is how rocket science is done.

Other threads (that I won't try to dig up) have also suggested outlandish things that have suffered the same backlash, including:
  • Sonic Cleaning
  • Oiling China Clay
  • The 25/75 blind level
  • The T2000 chip
  • Oiling chips by mixing oil and water.
  • Unwarping chips in an oven
  • Milling out Hotstamps
And these are just off the top of my head. So, no, we don't criticize every post you make. We criticize every post everyone makes when it runs afoul of accepted norms. It's not all about you. If you don't like it, next time try doing something, then tell us about it.

Does your oven have a warming drawer? This could also be a viable option if your oven does have a low adjustment.

Most people just fill them with cookie sheets
First, don't take it personal. The forum is a great source of useful information. Your last 2 threads (that I know of) have involved something that could be of use to the chipping community. However...

  • The Chip Pricing tool is still not available. It may never be available, and if it is, you may require us to send you money.
  • The Chip Pricing tool has valid concerns about it's potential misuse. It might not have been a concern if you created the tool then released it, but you didn't do that.
  • The hairdryer oven has not been tried yet. There are valid concerns about it's use, including risk to chips and personal safety. It might not have been as many concerns if you tried it first, then reported the results, but you didn't do that either.
The community as a whole is very concerned about chips; both their value and the chips themselves. Post something hypothetical, and the community will both support you and poke holes in your therom until it is proven. Even then, if you go outside of the proven box far enough, others will question the legitimacy of your methods until your project has been replicated by someone else.

That, by the way, is how rocket science is done.

Other threads (that I won't try to dig up) have also suggested outlandish things that have suffered the same backlash, including:
  • Sonic Cleaning
  • Oiling China Clay
  • The 25/75 blind level
  • The T2000 chip
  • Oiling chips by mixing oil and water.
  • Unwarping chips in an oven
  • Milling out Hotstamps
And these are just off the top of my head. So, no, we don't criticize every post you make. We criticize every post everyone makes when it runs afoul of accepted norms. It's not all about you. If you don't like it, next time try doing something, then tell us about it.


This is fair criticism. Thanks Zombie
Does your oven have a warming drawer? This could also be a viable option if your oven does have a low adjustment.

Most people just fill them with cookie sheets

Ya it does. This might work well too. I haven't tested it to see what kind of temps it produces, but definitely worth looking into.
Some of you guys are just chomping at the bit to criticize every fucking post I make here regardless of the content. Yes, you included @jbutler. It's getting old already.

All due respect mate, there is rarely a thread you have entered that you haven't abused or insulted someone that has a different opinion or view than you. So I wouldn't be surprised when members don't give you the benefit of the doubt when you post something you believe is 100% true.

From what I've seen you seem to be a very passionate person when you get an idea and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But disagreements and criticism will come from people with as much or more or even less experience all the time. How you handle yourself when that happens speaks volumes about the type of person you are.

We've had confrontations in the pass, but that where I've left it and feel you've left it. I hope you can also do the same with recent confrontations, as I truly feel that you are and will be a great asset to the community as a whole.

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