PUBLIC WARNING regarding NY NY chips (1 Viewer)

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4 of a Kind
Nov 9, 2014
Reaction score
Outlet Mall in San Marcos
There was a new poster on PCF who claims to have roughly 10,000 chips including 2,000 NY NY chips located in Great Britton.

His two threads were deleted shortly after people started asking where they came from. The poster claimed he got them from ".... gumtree and the guy was clearly well traveled and lots of money! Classic cars everywhere huge house a real English gent .Probably picked them up on exotic holidays i guess.But who knows.....?" for 50 GBP or $75 US dollars.

A few more posts about provenance and then POOF both threads are gone.

The poster claims he has an eBay store " HA HA HA MY eBay USERNAME IS PAULCARRACKFAN ALL MY ITEMS ARE THERE TO VIEW. "

Just warning everyone to keep their eyes open.

If the price is too good to be true, it is -=- DrStrange
There was a new poster on PCF who claims to have roughly 10,000 chips including 2,000 NY NY chips located in Great Britton.

His two threads were deleted shortly after people started asking where they came from. The poster claimed he got them from ".... gumtree and the guy was clearly well traveled and lots of money! Classic cars everywhere huge house a real English gent .Probably picked them up on exotic holidays i guess.But who knows.....?" for 50 GBP or $75 US dollars.

A few more posts about provenance and then POOF both threads are gone.

The poster claims he has an eBay store " HA HA HA MY eBay USERNAME IS PAULCARRACKFAN ALL MY ITEMS ARE THERE TO VIEW. "

Just warning everyone to keep their eyes open.

If the price is too good to be true, it is -=- DrStrange
Hey strange its me again. My posts were deleted by the administrator Tommy because they were all in the wrong category
I am truly sorry if this is nothing but an honest mistake, the timing was truly awful. Both of the threads seemed to have disappeared rather than be moved. So far no moderator claims responsibility, but I can imagine the possibility of getting a discrete private message.

Now I see a new thread but there we have a seasoned veteran with 70,000 chips. (which is a truly awesome collection) Which makes me wonder how someone with that much experience could not know in a rough sense how much value there was in a buying one of the larger collections of poker chips in England for 50 GBP. Just as a reminder you wrote " I did travel 80 miles to pick them up but didn't realize i struck gold. " It seems unlikely that a veteran collector could possibly not know as soon as they touched the collection.

Perhaps the truth is you are in the business of selling poker knick knacks and just happened upon these chips while looking for inventory to make your products.

However, I can't imagine there are more than a handful of chip collectors in England that would have big sets like that. I'd be shocked if someone here or on CT doesn't have some sort of clue about the old owner. Someone of means might randomly pick up a nice set, but 2,000 NY NY isn't something you get on a lark (or as a gift unless your wife understands the obsession). And 10,000 chips in total? Yep, who ever it is, is part of our community. But if someone dies without warning their executor . . . well maybe something like this could happen?

So count me confused and guarded. Maybe there were some misunderstandings and unwarranted assumptions on my part but I still can't help but feel suspicious about the stories.

Best of fortune to the buyers, seller and the original owner, may everyone be happy in the end -=- DrStrange
No need to apologize ;-) If we keep it simple on an explanatory level as regards collecting! I always bought specific sets such as 1000 tri gen chips or 500 poly ceramic casino club chips basic chips but with occasional gems ! But i always kept one or two chips as a so called "collection" But when i got these new yorker chips i had a feeling they were special .As far as my knick knack business is concerned it has cost a fortune perhaps £5000 + pounds on chips and other things sticker inserts key chains ETC.... But i am a genuine owner of some special chips that being these new yorker chips ..
Being that I’m a chip addict and that I’m ACTUALLY IN NEW YORK I find it incredibly unfair that someone far across on pond would just come upon thousands of these chips that I’ve coveted for so long for £50. Sigh.

I hope you’re not going to sell these off one by one. I’m still hoping to own a set like that one day.
I actually want to keep them something so wonderful about them and yes i am so lucky to have got them for £50 but so many times i have bought rubbish that was claimed to be wonderful! Maybe it was just my turn this time .
Those are amazing chips. The common short hand for them is PNK. (president new york) Highly sought after, more demand than supply. 2,000 chips is one of the larger collections in the world. Just making a wild guess, I suspect there are not ten sets that size. I'd be shocked if your auction(s) were not the only ones on eBay for the rest of 2015.

The last sale of PNY chips in bulk went for something like $2/chip (no one knows it was a 'best offer' auction). Your set has a chunk of the rarer chips too, which was why I thought you might get 5,000 GBP (~$7,500) if sold as a couple of sets.

This is why you got some hostile reactions on the board. We are a close community and generally have some idea of who's who. 2000 PNK plus 8000 other chips is impressive horde. Not the biggest collector by far but the original owner likely a top collector in England of American poker chips.

If it was me, I would be keeping a set. But people tell me I am crazy (and I only have 20,000 - 30,000 vintage chips )

Grats -=- DrStrange
Totally valid points by the good Dr. I think the forum members have reason to be cautiously optimistic here. UK Boy, you must understand that you've come to a forum where 50% of the members don't have the value in chips you just told us you snagged for 50. Coupled with the fact those chips are so rare, many can't comprehend that an unknown set of that magnitude exists.. Add the fact that your posts are atypical for a new member, so people are a bit apprehensive. It's a great community, with so much knowledge, and people are for the most part, genuinely the nicest people. I know you'll fit in swimmingly once people get to know you.

Now, you mentioned that you have 70,000 poker chips. that's a serious collection. I know if I had a serious collection, I'd have them all categorized, inventoried, photos, etc... Oh, wait, I do have them all in spreadsheets, lol.. ;)

Do you play poker? Do you have a table? Are you also into cards? etc..? Do you play regular casino games? Post some pics, introduce yourself. Welcome to the party.
The account was banned. Turned out to be a troll signing up under multiple accounts and spouting nonsense.

Spouting nonsense isn't a bannable offense, lol... Hell, I'd be banned long ago...

But the multiple accounts is a clear violation, and indication of trolling... (his nonsensical posts certainly confirmed his intentions, or lack thereof, to becoming a contributing member of this community.
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