PM from Ski in answer to question on cleaning Par-A-Dice chips: said:
Yes, you have a LOT of cleaning ahead of you, BUT, if you put any value whatsoever on your time, you can pick up an ultrasonic cleaner like mine for about $200. I can clean 1,000 RHC mold chips like Par-A-Dice in less than an hour with my ultrasonic cleaner and sodium metasilicate (a TSP substitute). I need to update my ultrasonic cleaning topic with details, as the info in the topic still lists Oxi-Clean, and Oxi-Clean (relatively speaking) is horrible for use in an ultrasonic because of the effervescent action that makes it great for manual cleaning.
Realistically, with really filthy chips like Par-A-Dice, Aztar E, or Empress, you will spend at LEAST one minute per chip when you clean manually (soaks, scrubbing with toothbrush, wiping with Magic Eraser, etc.), and often two or more minutes. Certain colors (red, purple, and some greens) will experience significant permanent fading with the long soak times in Oxi or other cleaners. So, you're comparing a minimum 1,000 minutes (nearly 16.7 hours) of manual labor to about an hour of largely automated cleaning in the ultrasonic.
For "just" 1,000 chips, 16.7 - 1 = 15.7 hours time savings. Plus no manual effort to clean. Plus *significantly* reduced permanent color fading.
So... if you think you'll only ever clean 1,000 chips in your chip collecting career, you just have to ask yourself, "Is my time worth at least about $12.75/hour?" ($200 / 15.7 hours saved)
In my case, I've cleaned somewhere between 20-30 thousand chips. I'll call it 25k, and I promise you I value MY time more than 50¢ and hour! (roughly $200 / 390 hours saved)