Mistake after mistake cleaning and labelling (1 Viewer)


Two Pair
Jan 17, 2023
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Sooo I have made many mistakes building my first mixed RHC set. My latest mistake goes something like this….

I have 500 $5 HSC Chips. I have over labelled about 350. I didn’t really think they needed a clean until I tried cleaning a few stock chips(no labels). Wow big difference.

I tried two methods. A wet magic eraser wipe(not the pad) and the traditional light soak with water/dawn dish soap.


I was impressed with how effective the magic eraser wipe was so I did about 100 chips and they came out great.

Speaking with Gear last night I asked if it was safe to soak the unlamjnated labels and they said should be fine after the glue has cured. Well I thought why not try a test chip with the label on using the magic eraser. Here is the mistake


The magic eraser just removed the printing very easily. I am guessing this wouldn’t have happened had I murdere these and went with a laminated label but here I am soooo. I soaked a few labelled chips, scrubbed them and dried. I didn’t soak them for very long(few minutes) but they came out pretty good. I would like to soak them longer next time but I keep worrying about the labels somehow lifting or being affected in some way.

Has anyone soaked or used a hydrosonic cleaner on overlablled chips? I wish I had of just cleaned these chips prior to labelling. I cleaned the surface of the inlay for good adhesion but didn’t think the chips really needed a clean until it was too late….
Melamine pads like Magic eraser can be quite abrasive, I’m not surprised they damaged a label. What kind of dirt were you removing that some mild soap and a soft brush couldn’t handle?
Melamine pads like Magic eraser can be quite abrasive, I’m not surprised they damaged a label. What kind of dirt were you removing that some mild soap and a soft brush couldn’t handle?
I’ve moved to the mild soap and brush method. It was nothing excessive just your regular dirt with a small splash of what I understand to be hooker juice.

I’ve done a barrel of chips that have over labels. Thought maybe I should leave them for a couple days to make sure I don’t have any issues with the labels. I soaked them for a few minutes, scrubbed and let them soak for another min or two while I worked through the group.

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