It has come to my attention that a member was recently scammed. The scammer responded to the member's Wanted Ad and offered to sell them chips. They gave a fake tracking number and then disappeared.
To protect yourself, PLEASE do not send PayPal Friends and Family payments to new members. (unless you are willing to take that risk) Checking a member's feedback score is a good place to start. If they have no feedback or very little, you can also ask for some references.
Sometimes a seller will reference their eBay account that has a good feedback rating. Having them send you a message on eBay to verify that is their account would be a good thing to do.
If the person requesting the money will only accept a PayPal Friends and Family payment (even after you offer to pay the PayPal fees for a Goods & Services PayPal payment), consider that a huge red flag and walk away from the deal.