SOLD Paulson Sale/Trade: ES Fracs, ES $1s, ESP T500s, Oak Tree $100s, RVCL $25s, SB fracs (1 Viewer)

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Full House
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Dec 8, 2015
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
106   0   0
UPDATE: Majority of the chips, including the ES fracs and $1s are now gone... Oak Tree $100s are the only remaining chips and I will take them off the market for now...If anyone interested, you can always PM me.

I am trimming down some of my 'extra' racks that I had been planning in using in various mixed sets, but I no longer need these chips, so they get released to others who can put them on the felt. For conditions, please look at the pictures, and if you have any questions, let me know (The ES, Jack Detroit, SB and RVCL chips are dead-mint. The Oak Tree chips are in fantastic shape, some of the best I've ever seen).

This is NOT a dibs sale. Preference goes for TRADES firs, then people who are not on my DNB/DNS list, larger orders, and so on. express your interest in the thread and PM me with questions, offers, inquiries.

What I am Selling/Trading:

SB $.25s - 2 racks - $550/rack + shippingSOLD
RVCL $25s (leaded, shaped inlays) - 36 chips @ $3.50 each + shipping - SOLD
Oak Tree $100s - 168 - $600/rack ($6/chip) + shipping
ES $1s that have been relabeled as BTP $100s - 1 rack - $450 $425 + shipping SOLD
ES Fracs - 3 racks - $800/rack + shipping SOLD
ES (primary) T500s - 1 rack - $700 + shipping SOLD

Jack Detroit $500 primary - 1 rack - $700 + shipping (The price/value is for trading purpose only...I sold more than a dozen racks of Jack Detroit chips last year at cost/original Chip Room prices, but won't sell this rack at cost so that flippers such as @Da*&^%%$# or @ka8464 can sell them at a huge mark-up...if they don't get used in a trade, I will sell them in an auction with proceeds going to a local food bank).

What I am looking as trade:

Two ONE rack of Red Casa $100s (818) – Trade value of $400/rack
Two barrels of Lucky Derby $500s (43mm) - Trade value of $300/barrel
Screen Shot 2020-05-04 at 2.46.15 PM.png View attachment 453538. Screen Shot 2020-05-05 at 8.37.51 PM.png

and off to pr0n:

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@kk405 do you have SB $5's or 25 cent fracs as shown? I know a few folks looking for the $5's
Is there a voluntary ban option in this forum?? I clearly can not control myself. All these Awesome sales!!
I know how you feel brother!

I recently gave up control of my PayPal account to someone who is smarter and much more wise than me. It has worked very well. Slowed me down a ton!

If I didn't have that control in place, I'd be all over these ES Fracs!!! They make me drool!

Great chips from an amazing seller! GLWS Ken!:tup:
I know how you feel brother!

I recently gave up control of my PayPal account to someone who is smarter and much more wise than me. It has worked very well. Slowed me down a ton!

If I didn't have that control in place, I'd be all over these ES Fracs!!! They make me drool!

Great chips from an amazing seller! GLWS Ken!:tup:

I will say this though - up until joining this forum I never had a financial motive to play poker. Yeah I love playing and all, and winning is always great, but now that I have a chip habit!?! Look the flip out. I am a killer!! I win it, then give it right to u guys.

(Footnote - for the purposes of this chat we will not discuss all the losing nights).
If I had multiple personalities a la Me Myself and Irene style, this would be the convo,

Horseshoez 1 - Those fracs are awesome. I’m cool with 2 racks though, my game will never need more.

Horsehoez 2 - Buy some fracs, you know you regret trimming down from 3 racks to 2.

Horseshoez 1 - Simmer down greedy prick, I dont need that many. Plus I wanted to convert them into cash to buy that ESPT set I’m after.

Horseshoez 2 - Says the dumbass that started hunting down solids and probably won’t be able to grab the colors he needs, while at the same time sabotaging his ESPT funds.

Horseshoez 1 - You can f#%* off now, thank you.
Can I ask a newbie question - why are the pics referred to as “pr0n”?

Sorry in advance for mucking you this thread!
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