Full House
For sale are 20 sample sets of six total chips, including one chip of each denom $1-$1000. Chips are near-mint, with sharp edges - see pictures and judge for yourself. Asking $26 shipped, CONUS.
If you want one (or more), please post in this thread, then send me a pm with your shipping address. I will reply to buyers in the order they post in this thread with my PayPal information, then update the thread with quantities. I will clarify or modify anything above if needed.
$1 Quanah Parker, Comanche
$5 Red Cloud, Oglala Sioux
$25 Crazy Horse, Oglala Sioux
$100 Chief Joseph, Nex Perce
$500 Geronimo, Chiricahua Apache
$1,000 Sitting Bull, Hunkpapa Sioux
1. @Senzrock - Paid. Shipping 7/24.
2. @Senzrock
3. @Dr Lecterr - Paid. Shipping 7/24.
4. @Highli99 - Paid. Shipping 7/24.
5. @Roll Tide Roll - Paid. Shipping 7/24.
6. @Steppenwolf - Paid. Shipping 7/24.
7. @FortyMorty - Paid. Shipping 7/24.
8. @EGLIDE73 - Paid. Shipping 7/24.
9. @EGLIDE73
10. @Pete - Paid. Shipping 7/24.
11. @Baxter - Paid. Shipping 7/27.
12. @CLKin - Paid. Shipping 7/31.
13. @Mike Wells - Paid. Shipping 8/3.
14. @Bill_Man618 - Paid. Shipping 8/3.
15. @GoodTimes - Paid. Shipping 8/3.
16. @CrankyWom8at - Paid. Shipping 8/10.
I'm keeping a 505-piece cash set for myself, but willing willing to part with it at the right price - send a pm if interested in that set.

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