Wanted Parkers Casino (Bud Jones) (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
5   0   0
I've found a couple generous PCFers willing to part with parts or all of their Parkers collections, but I'm still short of what I need to make a go of it as a set.

If anyone has any they're willing to let go of, please shoot me a PM. I'm primarily interested in either $5s or a lot (600+) of the brown $3s.

And as usual, if anyone has any other Bud Jones they'd like to sell, I'm all ears.

Thanks in advance!
On the outside chance you didn't know they were there, here's 100 - $5s on eBay. Not mine.


thanks i've been trying to message with atlanticcoin, but get no response.

if anyone knows him off eBay, please give him a heads up that i'm interested in buying some from him. i would just go ahead and snag those, but (1) i think they're a little overpriced (as evidenced by how long they've been for sale...) and (2) i would need more than 100 anyway.
thanks i've been trying to message with atlanticcoin, but get no response.

No surprise there.... I haven't had much luck either. Though they are fast with shipping the chips out and they are in great condition and nicely packed.
jbutler said:
not sure what the deal is. at least say FU buy it now or suck it.

LMAO, I've had the same results IM'ing some members here as well. Courtesy goes a long way..

Sorry about not getting back to you ........... FU buy the stuff now or suck it :)
No surprise there.... I haven't had much luck either. Though they are fast with shipping the chips out and they are in great condition and nicely packed.

i did get one very brief response a few months ago when i first started looking for BJ chips informing me of which casinos they had chips for. when i wrote back with the desired amounts of chips (i left open to him which set to sell me), i received nothing further.

i thought at the time it was because i was looking for quantities beyond what he had available and he thought his time too important to explain that to me. which i think is irritating, but at the end of the day i'm just trying to buy chips and don't care if a seller holds my hand and calls me pretty.

so this time i wrote back and basically said, "i take it from your previous non-response that my quantities were too high, but now i've found some other folks with parkers so i just need a few racks." still...nothing.
I was buying a bunch of Aztars (no surprise) and wanted more than what they had for a quantity .... figured if they are shipping some out, might as well fill the box up. Haven't heard back. Funny thing is the auctions were relisted with new quantities and the prices bumped up..... nice
I was buying a bunch of Aztars (no surprise) and wanted more than what they had for a quantity .... figured if they are shipping some out, might as well fill the box up. Haven't heard back. Funny thing is the auctions were relisted with new quantities and the prices bumped up..... nice

do you know if they have a storefront location or a business address/phone? i'd be willing to give them a call to at least get an answer. might look stalkerish, but it's probably like the millionth most stalkerish thing people on this board have been willing to do for chips.

EDIT: there's an "Atlantic Coin and Jewelry Exchange" a little more than an hour west of me.

EDIT 2: nm, the eBay page says Maywood NJ which is north of me. if i can't get them elsewhere i might make some calls.
still looking for more if anyone has them.

thank you!
Yeah, that's basically what he told me. Only buy from him as a last resort.

I've bought from him before, but it irks me every time I do. I'm sure he purchases from Jim's links on the chip forums, but just to resell them at a 100% markup. It ends up just being a drain on the community.
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