Cancelled Now Accepting Guests - Horseshoe Cleveland 8-spot Snapper Resort & Spa (1 Viewer)

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Nov 5, 2016
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Rating - 100%
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Attention all Horseshoe Cleveland 8-spot snappers! Are you looking for a relaxing getaway and world class accommodations? This is the place for you!

We have opened a brand new facility to cater to all of your needs. Many of our visitors like it so much, they never want to leave! Here is a testimonial from a couple of recent guests. (The owners of these chips were compensated for their appearance in this advertisement. The chips have made a conscious decision to stay at this facility and are not being held against their will.)

"My name is Snappy, and my wife and I were sick of being locked up in a white cardboard box sitting in a closet. We knew there had to be a bigger world out there for us to explore. Plus it was hard for us to clean ourselves, because, well, we are poker chips."

"One day we saw an ad for the HSC8SS R&S on an internet poker chip forum, and we knew that's where we needed to be. Luckily we had a gracious owner willing to ship us off to this luxurious resort (in exchange for American currency.)"

"When we arrived we were not in the best shape."


"We were immediately whisked into the private spa area to enjoy a nice relaxing soak!"


"After our bubble baths, we were offered our choice of masseuse. That's right, there are 2 different ones on staff for those who are various stages of dirty!"


"We had the option to either relax out in the sun to dry, or lay out at Towel Beach with some other guests. Why not try both?"



"Now that we were all cleaned up and relaxed, we decided to partake in social hour. We even ran into some close friends and relatives that came over from a nearby hotel!"


"The life of a poker chip is not an easy one, so we needed a little shut-eye to recharge our batteries. The beds were extremely comfortable, from the bubble wrap pillows to the foam insulated blankets. My wife insisted on having a separate bed so she could spread out a bit, and there were plenty of extra spaces available!"


"While the HSC8SS R&S is located in Indiana, one of my wife's dreams was to visit the Chicago area. The owner of the spa made some arrangements, gave her a nice protective jacket and made her dream a reality! She even had a friend tag along with her. Look at all the new chips she met! (Though she did tell me that her new friends didn't hang around very long...)"


"While she was away, I reacquainted with some old friends in an exclusive night club called Display Case. I wasn't up to the current dress code, but luckily they had a loaner jacket for me."


"This was such a great decision, and we are proud to announce that we are making the HSC8SS R&S our new permanent home! Most of our time will be spent in a luxury acrylic high rise with many other guests, but we are free to enjoy all of the amenities of the resort at any time! I've even heard they have a new park area with suited speed cloth. We haven't made it over to that part of the resort yet, but we hear it's just fantastic! Thank you for making our dreams come true!"


Well there you have it folks, right from the Horse(shoe Cleveland chip)'s mouth! There is plenty of room available, just beg and plead with your owners to come visit! Remind them that they will be compensated for their troubles, and tell them to think of all the other things they could buy with that money! Implore them to send you away to the HSC8SS R&S today! Just look at some of our before and after photos, they speak for themselves!


(Note: The owner of this spa has too much time on his hands today and apologizes to anyone who actually read all of this. I really really want more of these chips. Please sell them to me? Please? Thanks!)

(Note 2: Each time I bump this thread it will be with new photos and adventures that my "guests" go on. Stay tuned!)
(Note: The owner of this spa has too much time on his hands today and apologizes to anyone who actually read all of this. I really really want more of these chips. Please sell them to me? Please? Thanks!)

(Note 2: Each time I bump this thread it will be with new photos and adventures that my "guests" go on. Stay tuned!)

Nah, man. That was delightful. I'm staying tuned. It's Flat Stanley for chippers! I'm in.
I just spoke with a couple thousand of their relatives. Sadly, they are currently serving life sentences in San Jose for marijuana possession. With Jeff Sessions now serving as attorney general, parole seems nearly impossible.

I'm not gonna lie, I was kinda hoping since you were ordering those customs you may need to make some room by letting a few of these go...
Sunday is our busiest day at the spa. Many of our new guests are so excited by the abundance of activities available to them during the week, they choose to delay their day of relaxation. Our masseuses were working overtime today to ensure that all of our new guests were squeaky clean.


However, it's not always paradise. We here at the HSC8SS R&S have fallen on some hard times. Our new visitor numbers are dwindling rapidly, and we are forced to reach out to others that are interested in our services in order to keep the doors open. Luckily due to word of mouth from our satisfied clients, we managed to enroll a brand new family looking for some TLC. Good thing our employees are on salary and we don't have to pay them overtime rates for the rest of the day, these guys are filthy!


(We do apologize that our usual photographer was not available for these photos, so they may not be up to our normal professional standards.)

I think the point still comes across though, SEND US SOME GUESTS! It's support from chippers like you that enables us to continue giving top notch care to poker chips everywhere. ESPECIALLY Horseshoe Cleveland 8-spot snappers!

PM today, and make sure these little guys have the opportunity to become a part of our family. We will NEVER* run out of room or resources to house these chips.

*This statement may not be entirely true. We cannot predict the future. A bear may maul us and take all of our money. It wouldn't be the first time. Take us up on our offer before it's too late!
Triple deckers are notoriously dangerous! I recommend going with the double decker bus to avoid decapitations from bridges while in transit between activities. I'll take that spare barrel whenever you're ready :)
A competing spa has been discovered in Dover NH. A table full of degen shufflers are excessively fondling the patrons.
View attachment 87682

Yeah I can't compete with that place. They got most of the clients before I even knew this forum existed.

I'm tempted to jump on a plane just to come and see that many all in one place. Then buy in for as much as I can and run away very very quickly.
Hey there! what kind of soap do you use to clean the chips??

Warm water, Dawn Ultra and a sprinkle of OxyClean (powder) added. Soak for about 10 minutes then brush clean.

Planning on adding some mineral oil to make the colors really pop, but I was trying to wait and do them all at once. I'm still expecting to find and buy more :)
I am going to close this. Unless my clients are recovered I am not planning on continuing my search. I can't imagine starting from scratch again. Thanks to those that contributed.
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