Sitting Out
I had a buddy 3D print some nit buttons for me and I introduced the game at my last home game. One of my players didn't love the idea of a "lose more" game where a person who's already ostensibly losing just gets outright punished, so I pitched a slightly different take on the idea. Instead of the loser of the nit game just straight-up paying everybody a bounty, they instead paid 2bb per player into the pot for the next hand as a seed for a double-board bomb pot. Every player (including the nit game loser) then anted another two bigs on top. So as to not throw off the blinds and also to add another "cushion" for the loser of the the nit game, the loser was always the button for the bomb pot, giving them position for the hand (reverting to the normal button rotation/blinds the following hand). This gives the nit game loser a halfway decent chance of winning their nit-losses back, which assuaged my one player with doubts about the game. It also nicely randomized the bomb pot timing.
I just figured I'd mention this here as I don't think I'd really seen anybody mention this kind of nit game/bomb pot combo before, and my players really enjoyed it.
I just figured I'd mention this here as I don't think I'd really seen anybody mention this kind of nit game/bomb pot combo before, and my players really enjoyed it.
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