Messing with Telemarketers (8 Viewers)

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A new beginning
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
Tampa FL
So my boss got some business financing recently for growth we're experiencing, and now we're inundated with a gazillion financing companies that call us to try to sell us (i.e. read a script) on financing.

Now I'm having fun with them. I "transfer" them to the "owner", who then transfers them to his finance manager "Cash". Now, "Cash" is from Texas (obv) and speaks with a strong Southern drawl.

So I go back and forth with the salesperson, then tell then we'll take the financing, and ask them to make the check directly out to me, first name "Cash", middle name "Mo" and last name "Ney" (interesting fact, I actually have a friend with the last name of Ney)

And then I'll even sound it out for them, saying "that's Cash.............Mo.............Ney, you got that? Write it down, sound it out. Also, how soon can I expect my check?" and they continue on reading from their script (asking how long we've been in business, our revenue, etc) until I crack and have to hang up because I'm going to lose it.
good thing you don't rely on tips at your job otherwise that type of unprofessionalism and time wasting would probably impact your income.
My boss gets a kick out of it. The gnu-flavored water ain't for everyone
Why do you interfere with people just trying to do their job?

First Name

Middle Initial

Last Name
Oh you mean those people interrupting our work with their unsolicited sales calls?
I like to mess really bad with the people who call me at 5pm on my home phone who are from 'Microsoft security team' and letting me know about virus' I have on my computer.
I like to waste about 10-15 min of their time pretending to find the site they want me to download something from while I play a computer game. So finally after a while I tell them where they can stick it and they professionally tell me to 'fuck a dick' and 'eat a pile of monkey shit'.

That is ok to do but when they are real people with real jobs calling you, dont be a dick.
Making volume unsolicited calls and reading from a script isn't a real job as far as I'm concerned.
Making volume unsolicited calls and reading from a script isn't a real job as far as I'm concerned.
yes but when you have no edumacation and all you can find is a telemarketing gig, you have to do what you do to survive and eat. They have no choice. They are in a legal contracted position within a company getting a check cut every other week. That is a Just Over Broke imo
yes but when you have no edumacation and all you can find is a telemarketing gig, you have to do what you do to survive and eat. They have no choice. They are in a legal contracted position within a company getting a check cut every other week. That is a Just Over Broke imo
The same could be said for your scam artists, they are just trying to survive the way they know how

Or places like Rent-A-Center that prey on the "unedumacated" and have them spending $1,000 for a $150 loveseat
Microsoft makes unsolicited calls? Whoa.
ya they truly care about 'the little people'. Just glad they are watching out for me and potential risks on my laptop.

But in all seriousness, when I let them know the jig is up they really lay into me and call me everything nasty they can think of. Its quite the show

See Gnu, the people I was dealing with are trash bag scum who prey on people - usually elderly people. They are doing something highly illegal while the slimeball salesman you mention are doing something legal.
Based on what little I know about you (admittedly, based on your posting history), I think moose hit the troll on the head. All due respect to our other sunshine state brethren, but Florida can have you.
I hate telemarketers. All I do is ask them to hold while I get "me". I set the phone down and ignore it. Maybe they'll get the fucking clue. Don't call my house.
Well then you all have made me see the light. I should be helping these poor souls not hampering them

Kindly pm me the phone numbers for the companies you work at so i can help them generate sales leads. It takes a village to support these poor uneducated people with no other job prospects.
I used to be a telemarketer, back when I was a student and it was the best job I could find in a tough job market. I hated the job. I hated bothering people, but I was never an asshole to the people I called, and always was respectful to those who clearly wanted me to go away. It's a tough spot to be in, show some compassion next time.
Well then you all have made me see the light. I should be helping these poor souls not hampering them

Kindly pm me the phone numbers for the companies you work at so i can help them generate sales leads. It takes a village to support these poor uneducated people with no other job prospects.

How hard is it to say "no thanks we're not interested" and hang up the phone?
I used to be a telemarketer, back when I was a student and it was the best job I could find in a tough job market. I hated the job. I hated bothering people, but I was never an asshole to the people I called, and always was respectful to those who clearly wanted me to go away. It's a tough spot to be in, show some compassion next time.

Exactly. How many Telemarketers do you think like their jobs. Its miserable enough without people kicking them in the nuts all day. They could always choose not to work, and then Im sure the haters would have much nicer things to say about them.
You know, I had dinner a a restaurant last week. The waitress was on day 4 of what seemed like her first job. She got everything wrong, and was clearly having a bad night. I left her a bigger tip than normal (30%), as she was having a shitty night as it was. It was clear she was trying, and she was not happy about her mistakes. This was a person who needed kindness more than the experienced waitress who kept trying to help her.

I really suggest trying to develop some empathy and sympathy for those around you. Telling this story of helping a young kid struggling probably makes me feel better than gloating about mistreating someone else in a terrible situation makes you feel. Being nice is really a great experience.

Perhaps you're just a sociopath.
Lol. I probably added some fun to their day with my ridiculousness. You Nancy's are acting like i cussed her out. Perhaps you guys are overly sensitive
Lol a sociopath because of my OP. its official you guys are f'n out of your minds.
Seriously chicken, re-read your sociopath comment

Let's see, I

1. Had poor service and still tipped around 10-percent, didn't cuss out the waitress and didn't get her in trouble with her boss (despite the vast majority of responses in that thread recommending NO tip AND complaining to her manager, but yeah NO empathy here lol

2. Adopted a silly southern drawl and acted the fool with a telemarketer for a couple minutes. Didn't cuss her oit, didn't put her on hold indefinetely and probably gave her a much-needed diversion from her dreary job. Yup, clearly the antichrist over here

The bottom line is you nancys decided you hated me after bbotb iii because you dont share my non-pc humor and think im racist (lol) and have to try and gang up with your lame posse to demonize me, going so far as accussing me of being a sociopath based on my latest two threads

You sallies need to get over yourselves or get bent or seek help because you are exceedingly idiotic with the constant need to troll my threads and toss around shit like sociopathy. I mean seriously bro do u even realize how f'ing mental you sound? You're like tom cruise jumping on oprahs couch
No horse in this race, but here are a few interesting fun facts:

Roughly one in 25 Americans is a sociopath. Not all sociopaths are dangerous criminals, but they certainly can make life difficult for others, given that the defining characteristic of sociopathy is antisocial behavior.

Sociopaths consider themselves charming, intelligent, and rational.

Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent. Their high IQs often makes them dangerous.

Sociopaths have oversized egos and an inflated sense of self. They are narcissists to the extreme, with a huge sense of entitlement. They tend to blame others for their own failures.

Sociopaths are incapable of feeling sympathy, empathy, guilt, shame, or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions.

Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight.

Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love.

Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths and expert storytellers.

Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

Sociopaths create strife, argument, hatred, and incite emotional chaos among entire communities. yet they utterly fail to see their own role in creating it. They are delusional at so many levels that their brains defy logical reasoning.

Sociopaths will become angry or aggressive when their integrity is questioned, whereas a sane person would simply be happy to help clear up any misinformation or misunderstanding.

Sociopaths never answer facts; they always attack the messenger when dealing with attacks on their own integrity. They will ignore the evidence and instead attack the messenger as plotting to get them.

Sociopaths feel no remorse about hurting others, lying, publicly humiliating or manipulating people, or just generally acting in an unacceptable way.

In related news, internet trolls often exhibit sociopathic behaviors.

Fascinating stuff.

Here's a test. Most sociopaths will fail because they are unable to answer honestly:
Gnu if you think we spend any time at all ever thinking about or talking about you in our personal lives, you're sorely mistaken and delusional. There is no "posse". There is no "ganging up on you".

Our off forum conversations focus around football wagering, casino trips, big boobies, high quality beer, and other stupid fun shit. You are not fun shit, so you don't get discussed. Nobody is targeting you or anything of the sort (at least not as a concerted effort, but individuals are definitely voicing their individual opinions here).
Despite anyone's feelings towards Gnu there is a lot of shit slinging iit that is quite unnecessary. Don't like what's in th thread? Then move along.

Anthony, like all of us, are free to post what we like (within forum rules). It's our choice to either read or ignore.
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