I am in shipping Hell (1 Viewer)


Straight Flush
Jul 11, 2017
Reaction score
Hudson Valley, NY

So on Friday, I approved a table build by Gorilla Gaming, which was placed in early July.

By Sunday the tracking system of their shipper, Estes, showed it had arrived at or “passed through” their nearest depot to me, near Albany, NY.

I was just waiting for Estes to call to schedule a delivery appointment, as I paid extra to have this delivered with a liftgate directly into my renovated barn. The tracking indicated they would be there sometime on Tuesday.

But on Monday, Estes collapsed.

All of their websites went dark.

All of their phones came up unreachable.

By late Monday, word spread that Estes had been massively hacked.

Now it’s Thursday, and their site is finally back… but there are no updates on my crate. I’ve emailed, DM’d on social media, had multiple text chats with Estes reps. No one there has any update on where the crate is or when it will arrive. And still no ability to reach anyone live on the phone for info, let alone to schedule the delivery.

Gorilla has been responsive, but has barely more info than I do. One of their former employees now works at Estes, and he is said to be on top of this. He indicated that normally a subcontractor would handle the “last mile” portion of the shipment, and is trying to find out if someone has been assigned.

With hope this will resolve shortly, but considering the cost of the table (and my months of anticipation) I am naturally on edge about it.

Of all the dumb luck…
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If there are no updates by tomorrow morning, I may try driving to the depot an hour away, and see if I can find someone to wrangle this directly. Gorilla doubts that will help, but I can’t see how it would hurt. With other shippers I’ve found that in extremis a live visit can light a fire under them to prioritize your problem. Otherwise shipments can languish for weeks, unnoticed.
Beautiful table!

Shit happens. I trust it will make your way. Don’t let it effect your mood.

I agree making a visit will only help.
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Adding to my frustration, I ordered eight chairs to go with the table from another company… Two out of eight arrived damaged. The seller is replacing them, but hasn’t given a timetable for doing so.

It feels like everything goes like this nowadays. I remember as a kid some adults made fun of the slowness and incompetence of basic services in countries like Brazil or Bulgaria… So backward compared to the modern and efficient USA, they said.

Now we are them.
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I had a dishwasher delivered today by RXO, and watched as the truck crew tumbled it end-over-end from the back of the cargo bed to the door of the truck. When I said "can you please be careful with that and keep it upright?" they both looked at me like I was the crazy person. WTF.
In the end I went to the depot this morning and got them to locate the table. They weren’t sure when they could deliver so I said F it and rented a U-Haul, brought it back the last 40 miles.

The build quality on this is really nice. Feels sharp, elegant and solid. Will take some better beauty shots when I first host, but I am thrilled despite the week of shipping agony.

U got the premium felt right? It’s so plush! It’s great. Mine has held up well even tho it’s black.
Louis Kavaratzis says his retirement plans are ruined after Canada Post misplaced a piece of registered mail that contained a certified cheque for $301,560 — money left for him in his late father's will.

His brother, George Kavaratzis, sent the cheque from their father's estate through registered mail from Campbellford, Ont., to Louis in Ayer's Cliff, Que., on July 25.

But the cheque has seemingly vanished and the brothers have spent every day since trying to track it down with Canada Post, and to get TD Bank to stop or otherwise flag it and issue a new one. However, they say neither institution has offered much help.

Could be worse.

Definitely agree showing up in person can get things moving. How hard is it for a staffer to point to the giant poker table sized crate and say..."yeah, that one. Go for it."
Could be worse.

Definitely agree showing up in person can get things moving. How hard is it for a staffer to point to the giant poker table sized crate and say..."yeah, that one. Go for it."

Well, they did have over 30 partially- to fully-loaded trucks parked around their loading bays, plus the ton of stuff stacked up inside. They were able to find it pretty quickly once they found the handwritten paperwork. I don’t know why the national office is having such a meltdown; the folks at this depot seemed totally organized, and contrary to what I’d been told on the phone on their main number, had operating phones.

To me this was exhibit #17,352 demonstrating that the interwebs have not, in fact, made us more productive.
Sweet table. Ordered a 96" home table, no cup holders, casino felt with my custom art. Today is 8 weeks 6 days since I ordered. How long did your table take to get that "approval" pic. I'm getting a bit antsy. They are very poor in the updates/communication dept.
At any rate, have a holy person of a religion of your choice to perform some elementary liturgy / blessing, after all that.:)
Sweet table. Ordered a 96" home table, no cup holders, casino felt with my custom art. Today is 8 weeks 6 days since I ordered. How long did your table take to get that "approval" pic. I'm getting a bit antsy. They are very poor in the updates/communication dept.
They’re a small company known for the quality of their product, not for the time they spend on phone/email. Be patient; you’ll be pleased.

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