Tourney Huggies & Chuggies tourney? (2 Viewers)


Dec 11, 2023
Reaction score
Lakeland, FL
Hey y’all, I have baby #3 on the way and since our youngest now is 4 my wife was thinking of having a “sprinkle” to get some baby stuff which made me think of some Huggies & chuggies I've been to for friends (they bring diapers and you supply brews). This gave me the idea, instead of just doing a regular huggies/chuggies maybe do a tournament where the buy in is a case of diapers and then have some kind of prizes for the ones who end up “in the money”. Now, I host almost exclusively cash games at my place about every 2 weeks to a month and haven’t played much in the way of tournaments in many years.
Sooo, I’m looking for ideas on how y’all would structure something like this considering a “case of diapers buy in” and ideas for “prizes” for the winners since cash won’t be involved. I figure can’t go wrong with a decent bottle of bourbon, maybe a gift card?

Also for structure, right now I only have a cash set of .05/.25/1/5/20s so any help on if this could be adapted for a one time tourney. OR in true PCF fashion maybe I’ll look for a tourney set
We have done many diaper parties. $20 entry + bag of diapers etc. Or cash game + bring diapers. Another reason to host. And the rake is the gift etc.

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First off if Diapers are involved there should be a gift or something for winning with "The Dirty Diaper" (2/3 off).

You absolutely CAN run a tourney on a cash set... the only real difference is cash is money and tourney are units. It is all based off of # of big blinds. Typically between 100 to 250 Big Blinds to start. So on your set you can run $20 starting stacks and your first level would be .05/.10 aka 200 big Blinds. Depending on # of players and how long you want the tourney to last you can adjust your blind levels.

Or if your players are used to cash games, @Lil Tuna and I came up with a "Hybrid Tourney" concept and ran it a few times... we did it with $100 buy in and first level was $.50/$1... you get $100 in chips for your $100 buy in, this is survivor mode... when you run out of chips you are dead. Every 2 players that drop out you double the blinds, so there is no time structure other than players dropping. If only a single table I would double the blinds at every player dropping. We typically played 2nd place got their money back and winner takes the rest!

In your situation as mentioned above... maybe a case of Diapers and a $20 buy in gets you $20 in chips and maybe start at $.10/$.20 to keep it at 100 BBs. I would go.

Starting stacks
10 - $.05
10 - $.25
7 - $1
2 - $5

Level 1) $.10/$.20
2) $.20/$.40
Chip up nickles
3) $.25/$.50
4) $.50/$1
Chip up quarters
5) $1/$2
6) $2/$4
7) $4/$8
Chip up $1s
8) $5/$10
9) $10/$20
10) $20/$40

Congratulations on #3 and feel free to shoot a PM with any additional questions.

Thanks for the kind words and the ideas! I don’t why I hadn’t thought of just doing a cash game plus diapers case a diapers to get in the door then usual cash game that may work. I have a game tomorrow I’ll start getting ideas from the group on whether or not they wanna do a tourney or not, we have plenty of time to decide lol

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