Hi All (1 Viewer)


High Hand
Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
New Hampshire
hello everyone,

I joined up to get all the bits I need to get my home game kicked up to the next level. right now I have a low level cash game at my house with 6-8 players and i've been using a cheap chip set for too long!

I'm gonna order a couple samples and see what I like but I'm here for any and all advice...especially looking for mistakes that you made the first time buying chips that you would avoid if you could do it all over again.

thanks for having me!
Avoid going broke by going the Tina route, great value option and fully customizable.
You can get various different Tina samples from @justincarother, including the new web-mold. I also have a Greek mold sample if interested.

Good luck hunting!
Avoid going broke by going the Tina route, great value option and fully customizable.
You can get various different Tina samples from @justincarother, including the new web-mold. I also have a Greek mold sample if interested.

Good luck hunting!
Thanks, I just posted asking for a barrel of the web mold to try out!
See here is the problem, before I even get the samples in the mail I have already bought something from the classified section.

…here we go
Nice starter pick ups!
Although I would suggest maybe switching those 5k if they look too similar to the 25s
I’m interested to see what they look like in person but that absolutely makes sense
Eventually I do want to find .25c chips for the cash set to round it out for the kind of limits we usually play at my house. Hopefully I can find some pre-murdered and I’ll pick up the labels.

Are the Freddie’s labels something that is easily purchased from one of the dealers here?
Eventually I do want to find .25c chips for the cash set to round it out for the kind of limits we usually play at my house. Hopefully I can find some pre-murdered and I’ll pick up the labels.

Are the Freddie’s labels something that is easily purchased from one of the dealers here?

Yes, @Gear does labels, but order them sooner than later cuz it’s a 3 month wait sometimes.

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