Sitting Out
Hello all, longtime reader, first time member 
I'm a recreational poker player living in the Burbank area, but originally from San Jose, CA. I used to 'Round' back in my Bay Area days, playing every night at different houses and trying to go pro. Furthest I got was to the small $1500 buy-in WSOP event that I saved up from a few tournaments I won, but only lasted one day lol. I burned myself out after a few years and took a long hiatus, but now I've been getting the itch to play again.
I used to play in this one game with a friend that loved collecting poker chips, and it seemed like every week it was like we were playing in a different casino. He really introduced me to the artistry of poker chips, especially Paulson, CPC and BCC's. Ever since then I feel spoiled and definitely dont wanna settle for dice chips. So I got one set of Banker chips from Apache Poker, but been itching to get more now ;p
So I've been in a deep dive looking at various chips on this forum for over a month now(and yes, I have like 20 tabs open for different chips lol), and just really looking forward to joining this community and meeting you all!

I'm a recreational poker player living in the Burbank area, but originally from San Jose, CA. I used to 'Round' back in my Bay Area days, playing every night at different houses and trying to go pro. Furthest I got was to the small $1500 buy-in WSOP event that I saved up from a few tournaments I won, but only lasted one day lol. I burned myself out after a few years and took a long hiatus, but now I've been getting the itch to play again.
I used to play in this one game with a friend that loved collecting poker chips, and it seemed like every week it was like we were playing in a different casino. He really introduced me to the artistry of poker chips, especially Paulson, CPC and BCC's. Ever since then I feel spoiled and definitely dont wanna settle for dice chips. So I got one set of Banker chips from Apache Poker, but been itching to get more now ;p
So I've been in a deep dive looking at various chips on this forum for over a month now(and yes, I have like 20 tabs open for different chips lol), and just really looking forward to joining this community and meeting you all!