Greetings and salutations from Colorado! (1 Viewer)


Sitting Out
Apr 4, 2024
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Hello everyone! I've been playing poker for about 25 years. I will soon have the room to host a game for my friends. So I decided to stop being a lurker and got an account so I can learn more about home setups and upgrade from the chips I have. Looking forward to chatting with everyone in the future!
Awesome! What part of Colorado? My good friend (who introduced me to poker and PCF) has been talking about moving to Denver. CO seems like the place to be these days
Awesome! What part of Colorado? My good friend (who introduced me to poker and PCF) has been talking about moving to Denver. CO seems like the place to be these days
I live in the North Metro burbs of Denver. It's a great place to be! Also not too bad of a drive up to the mountains to get some live games in at the casinos.
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Welcome! There is plenty of advice on chip numbers for chip sets depending on whether you plan on running tournaments or not.

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