SOLD Giveaway #1: PNY secondary $25s - finish your rack (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Nov 7, 2014
Reaction score
NB Canada - Maine's next door neighbour
Rating - 100%
48   0   0
This giveaway is for PNY owners looking to finish off a barrel or rack of PNY secondary 25s.

Looks to be a dozen chips here. I'll double check my singles to make sure there's not another around.

Free shipping North America.
Open to overseas as well, just cover extra shipping.

PNY owners who want to participate: post IN with a pic of your PNY.
Any excuse is a good excuse for chip pron.

I'll keep this open until this Saturday night, midnight Pacific time. Sunday I'll put all names in a random generator, top 5 names will play an Omaha hand for the win.

Send your PNY-owning friends here.
Stay safe out there.
Jeep on chipping.
(That's supposed to say keep. But imma leave my typo cause I'm a Jeep guy)

Let's see some PRON!

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Your high denominations have me drooling. Those are a bit out of my price range and since this is my cash set would likely never get into play but damn are they nice!

Thanks. Good thing I bought them way back when. No way I could afford them now,lol.
I remember talking myself out of spending $1000 on a rack of secondary $1ks back in 2006 or so. :(
Are your $500s primary or secondary?
I have the primaries, but was considering doing a swap to $500S....but I really like edge spots on the primaries.

My full set is $5s, $25S, $100S, $500P, $1000S, $1000 plaques, $5000 plaque (single and not really needed for my T2000 tourney unless it’s a rebuy tourney and people go buck wild but it’s very much “needed” for the collection)

I also have custom 51mm chipco bounties, 49mm ABC rebuy chips, and several dealer buttons.

This is my ultimate set!
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Thanks. Good thing I bought them way back when. No way I could afford them now,lol.
I remember talking myself out of spending $1000 on a rack of secondary $1ks back in 2006 or so. :(
Same here, I wish I bought more as well. A little less than half of my chips and all the fracs pictured were from the original offering. I've added the rest in the past year.
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