Game of Thrones (HBO Series - NO BOOK SPOILERS) (4 Viewers)

Yeah, this is my problem right here. Being a fan of a show doesn’t entitle you to anything. The shows quality has unquestionably slid since its prime. I think it’s still pretty good *for a tv show*, but you may disagree and that’s fine. It’s subjective. But the idea that actors are greedy or HBO is stingy or Benioff and Weiss are incompetent bc fans aren’t getting the show “they think they deserve” is hilarious.

One thing is for certain, I would certainly read a James Andrew Miller style behind the curtains book of the making of this show - I bet it’s facinating.
I don’t think we’re “entitled” to anything. If HBO all of a sudden went bankrupt and we never got to see the last two episodes of the show I wouldn’t complain that we’re “entitled” to them, I’d complain it’s bullshit :p.

I don’t believe that just because we didn’t work on the story boards, help find the shoot locations, build parts of the set, bring food for the cast, work a boom, find some pieces of the wardrobe or work on the final cut, we can’t voice our opinions about the quality of the show or the choices that are made. If “Being a fan... doesn’t entitle you to anything” than you’re also expecting/telling every single sports fan to never complain about the choices/plays/statements management, the coaches, or the players make. Voicing your complaints about stuff that you’re not entitled to is as American as apple pie and blue jeans.

I get people’s dislike for people criticizing the show they enjoy but don’t agree we’re not allowed to or shouldn’t if the show isn’t what we’d hoped (and has been proven it could have easily been).
I don’t think we’re “entitled” to anything. If HBO all of a sudden went bankrupt and we never got to see the last two episodes of the show I wouldn’t complain that we’re “entitled” to them, I complain it’s bullshit :p.

I don’t believe that just because we didn’t work on the story boards, help find the shoot locations, build parts of the set, bring food for the cast, work a boom, find some pieces of the wardrobe or work on the final cut, we can’t voice our opinions about the quality of the show or the choices that are made. If “Being a fan... doesn’t entitle you to anything” than you’re also expecting/telling every single sports fan to never complain about the choices/plays/statements management, the coaches, or the players make. Voicing your complaints about stuff that you’re not entitled to is as American as apple pie and blue jeans.

Yeah, that’s all fine! I think it’s certainly fair to criticize the show! I think the reasons it isn’t as good stem mostly from the harsh realities of producing television that the show almost uniquely didn’t suffer from in its early seasons, but not exclusively so - there is certainly some plain old clumsy writing on top. Again, feel free to disagree or taking a harsher or softer tack - it’s subjectkve.

But that’s not the tone I’m reading a lot of in this thread (and elsewhere on the internet). People are taking it as a personal affront to their beings that the show isn’t as good - that’s the entitlement attitude I have issues with.
I guess in the end, it is easier to "unwatch" this thread.

I really enjoy GoT. I enjoy the chatter and the excitement and the "what happens next" conversations that go along with a world-wide sensation. This thread however, has just become a whiny-baby bitch-fest because it's not good enough.

Thank you for that. Now let's all look at some great chip sets and bitch how they suck so much because the T5,000 isn't as good as the rest of the line-up.
So... who do people think will end up killing Cersei (if she dies)?

Most to least likely in my book:
Her baby
I guess in the end, it is easier to "unwatch" this thread.

I really enjoy GoT. I enjoy the chatter and the excitement and the "what happens next" conversations that go along with a world-wide sensation. This thread however, has just become a whiny-baby bitch-fest because it's not good enough.

Thank you for that. Now let's all look at some great chip sets and bitch how they suck so much because the T5,000 isn't as good as the rest of the line-up.

God I hate when the set designer ruins the chip set with the last chip. Fucking 25k being garbage ruins the entire thing........
So... who do people think will end up killing Cersei (if she dies)?

Most to least likely in my book:
Her baby

If Arya kills her and the Night King that would be a massive phone in. I think one of the brothers kills her, she kills herself or Dany roasts her.
If Arya kills her and the Night King that would be a massive phone in. I think one of the brothers kills her, she kills herself or Dany roasts her.

She's been number 1 on Arya's list for a long long time. I don't think it will be her. but I would have no problem with it. Especially if Arya did it wearing a mask of Jamie's face.
She's been number 1 on Arya's list for a long long time. I don't think it will be her. but I would have no problem with it. Especially if Arya did it wearing a mask of Jamie's face.

Watch the video I posted today. She should have killed Cersi and not the night king. Her killing the Night King was pretty random.
Watch the video I posted today. She should have killed Cersi and not the night king. Her killing the Night King was pretty random.
LOVE NOT HATE CAM! Any who... spot on @Chippy McChiperson. I really do hope they follow through with the character arch and previous witch prediction of Cersei (which has been true up to this point) and Jaimie does it. Would really love to see that look of hurt and betrayal on her mean evil face!
LOVE NOT HATE CAM! Any who... spot on @Chippy McChiperson. I really do hope they follow through with the character arch and previous witch prediction of Cersei (which has been true up to this point) and Jaimie does it. Would really love to see that look of hurt and betrayal on her mean evil face!

Jaimie strangling her would be satisfying.
I guess in the end, it is easier to "unwatch" this thread.

I really enjoy GoT. I enjoy the chatter and the excitement and the "what happens next" conversations that go along with a world-wide sensation. This thread however, has just become a whiny-baby bitch-fest because it's not good enough.

Thank you for that. Now let's all look at some great chip sets and bitch how they suck so much because the T5,000 isn't as good as the rest of the line-up.
Fair point. It’s starting to remind me of when I was married :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

My off the wall prediction... nobody ends up on the iron throne. Jon / Tyrion / Sansa / Varys form a republic. Everyone else = dead
One other thing... is the long night still happening or was that only a thing the NK brought along?
The show is so good on many levels; but it has its shortcomings and can never please everyone.

At the end of E3, the folks I watch with all complained that not enough of the main characters died. At the end of E4, these same people were upset that one of the dragons was killed. I'm like WTF people. Can't have it both ways.
Wait this MF is still alive? Talk about flying under the radar.
The guy who plays him Wilko Johnson (a legend of pub rock - google Roxette by Dr Feelgood, he’s the guitarist) has had terminal cancer five times and somehow keeps defying the odds and beating it. He did a farewell tour with his band... then survived cancer and is back out touring again.
The guy who plays him Wilko Johnson (a legend of pub rock - google Roxette by Dr Feelgood, he’s the guitarist) has had terminal cancer five times and somehow keeps defying the odds and beating it. He did a farewell tour with his band... then survived cancer and is back out touring again.
what a fucking boss! hope he makes an appearance
I think Arya kills Cersei. Hopefully she does it with a Jamie mask.

Cersei has green eyes if I remember correctly...?

You guys can keep hating away. I'm loving this season and every season before it. I anticipated major changes in the timeliness after the books ran out, so I guess I prepared myself for some level of "disappointment", but I choose not to see it that way. These past two seasons are just different. But I love it all the same. I thought the Long Night episode was one of the best episodes of the entire series. People bitched about it being dark? Turn off the lights then, and get a better TV? Idk, but whoever expected 7&8 to follow suit with 1-6 just had unrealistic expectations IMO. I love this show, and I love this season! Nobody owes me shit. I'll take what I can get. Most of the people who are complaining are probably pirating the episodes anyhow lol.
Personally I'm disappointed in all of the whingers.

I however get a free pass because I'm english and we are known for it. I'm still excited for the end and I still love the show.

My guess is that someone unexpected like grey worm or maybe even Dany will carve up Cersei as revenge for missandei.

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