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Not Mine Empress Star Cruise Ship $5 (1 Viewer)


Royal Flush
Site Vendor
Aug 2, 2018
Reaction score
Yeah. The quicker someone buys these up the better. I bet GPI already knows about it. No bueno.
I'd be shocked if GPI doesn't know all about everything.
Here is one thing. The chips will be in a bubble of a couple of hundred fanatics that will hoard them and only change hands in private sales. Out in the open on eBay where there are a lot more eyes on I imagine would cause a bigger shit storm and would be akin to taking a baseball bat to the hornets nest rather than a gentle prod.
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Pretty new to all this still, what's up with GPI and these chips?
Not my story. I only know about the info from the lawyer because of the scrub donkey group buy and worries over legal issues. I was never a part of them personally. There's tons of stuff on the forums about it from the defenders to the butt hurt. Search away!
Gpi already knows...I can confirm from first hand conversations with their legal department :wow:
They definitely know about all of the NAGB's that slipped through and that are (in)famous here. I was speaking in terms of some of the chips hitting eBay.
Long story short is that a certain group of people (both that post here and some that don't, from what I understand) misrepresented themselves to GPI as an investor group looking to open a series of boat casinos. They were deceptive, wily, and convincing enough that GPI had the chips made. That's how the Aurora, Empress, and Pacific star chips came to be.

The BTP and Sunset Beach group buys were a lot more controversial. Lots of hurt feelings, deceptiveness, and greed involved. I agree with the others that say to use the search function and read up on it for yourself.

Thanks, didn't realize it was going to go that deep lol. I appreciate the quick summary though
Some things are best discussed in email, especially when you're a relative newbie who doesn't really know what he's talking about and doesn't use discretion in his choice of words.
When does one level up from being a "newbie"? Asking for a friend.
Some things are best discussed in email, especially when you're a relative newbie who doesn't really know what he's talking about and doesn't use discretion in his choice of words.
You're right. I wasn't around and only was portraying my understanding of the events that transpired. I'm always available via PM to chat about anything, including this topic if you're willing to fill me and the OP in on exactly what happened from your vantage point.

My intent was to be helpful and not to spread misinformation. I'll delete the post.

I apologize if you or anyone took offense. Not my place to say anything regarding the topic.
You're right. I wasn't around and only was portraying my understanding of the events that transpired. I'm always available via PM to chat about anything, including this topic if you're willing to fill me and the OP in on exactly what happened from your vantage point.

My intent was to be helpful and not to spread misinformation. I'll delete the post.

I apologize if you or anyone took offense. Not my place to say anything regarding the topic.
And by the way, fuck that shit. People ask questions. If you want to be helpful and give answers, good for you. I feel like I'm playing secret squirrel by typing "NAGB" or even "Boat chips." But the truth is, sometimes those chips need to be explained for a variety of reasons. Who's to say where to stop peeling that onion? I say either post some kind of resource detailing the whole thing, or live with the answers that people give.

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