Desjn cards? (1 Viewer)


Sitting Out
Mar 23, 2020
Reaction score

For years I used bicycle cards and just recently switched over to copag cards which I love. Just wondering if desjn cards are much better and if so, where can I purchase some? Thanks!
Copags are decent cards but so ugly. Waiting for my first Desjgn set so do not have opinion on durability but graficly they are very appealing. Anyway this year they printed by DalNegro so it guarantees good quality.
Get yourself one set and play for a bit to get your own conclusions. Search forum for "desjgn".. There is a thread by producer with purchase options. Good luck
This was helpful for me (maybe it’ll be for you too) I bought Dragon/Kraken Classic Victorian, and love them!!







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Funny.. BICYCLE PRESTIGE became great value after they started to produce them in Spain in Fournier factory

Agreed. I had a older deck of Prestige cards about 7 years ago. The card stock was noticeably different; a blindly bright white and they were as slippery as a Matsui chip. Made in China and were total garbage.
+1 to Desjgns. They're my favorite. They're thinner than most IMO, but are buttery smooth.IMG_20200328_231136528.jpg
I won $3 and a $5 scratch off from my wife while on covid lockdown last night!
Desjgn are far better than copag imo. Copag are thin and crease easier. Desjgn are a bit thicker and much more durable, not to mention the unique font.
Modiano Platinums and Design cards are 1 and 1a for me. But you pay the most for the Platinums. Get what you pay for tho
I absolutely love Fournier, but other than the standard index Bicycle Prestige, they are difficult to find in North America in poker size. We tend to use poker size jumbo index more often than not. The Desjgns CV are my next favourite, and get regular use (I have all 8 colours). I highly recommend them, and supporting Chanman is a plus.

Fournier/Bicycle Prestige and Desjgn are ranked above all others for me...including the Modiano PA's. Had the jumbo index PA's and sold them to another player a few years ago.
@inca911 was kind enough to bring some to my game a few months back and they are now my favorite cards.

The only think I find tilting is the pips on the seven, otherwise they stand up to hours of use, shuffle and slide great.

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