custom ceramics from China.. opinions (1 Viewer)


Nov 8, 2014
Reaction score
Hi All
I got some custom ceramics done from a chinese manufacturer.
I know you get what you pay for.. but the quality seems OK.

things i have noticed on the chips:
* a few casualties on the fedex ride over.. maybe 5 cracked chips
* some chips have a slight blur.. maybe the chip shifted during the printing process
* The definition is OK. I did the design work. Maybe i was too 'bold' on some fonts

Im wondering if i can trouble some fellow Aussies (shipping costs) to sample some for me.

I will send you some chips, I'll pay for postage..
I just need honest feedback.

* would you pay for these custom chips if you were in the market for some?
* what would you pay?
* If you ordered these custom chips, would you be happy?
* would these suit someone with a lower budget?

Looking for 5 people or so to do this for me.. no expense to you of course.

Shoot me a PM or leave me a message here
You should post some high-definition photos.

Were these produced by Sun-Fly? Or did you pick a random company listed on ?
wasnt sunfly.
It wasnt alibaba.

an Aussie poker supplier (from a northern state to where i am) uses this 'guy' to do his custom chips that he sells on his webpage.
lol, i know a guy who knows a guy in china ....

why all the secrecy? spill the beans, dude, this is an information-SHARING forum.
LOL... I know a guy in Georgia who knows a guy with a seriously REAL poker room somewhere around Atlanta, but I will NOT spill the beans on the guy. Or the guy. Or the poker room. =)

xdan, I'd love to at least SEE your custom chips if you're willing to share photos of your labor of love. Glad they came out looking good for you!
far out.. all i got is his email and a name..we started talking. He sent me samples and i spoke to another customer of his.
i dunno who or what he works for.

you want his bank details of where i deposited the money? you want the email history? how about the last time i took a dump?

im not being secrative.. i just dont have much info to give.
Xdan you have my address. Feel free to throw some my way and I'll have a look if you like.

All we asked for was some info and pics :)
lol... I know a guy in georgia who knows a guy with a seriously real poker room somewhere around atlanta, but i will not spill the beans on the guy. Or the guy. Or the poker room. =)

xdan, i'd love to at least see your custom chips if you're willing to share photos of your labor of love. Glad they came out looking good for you!

lies all lies!!!!
.. all i got is his email and a name..we started talking. He sent me samples and i spoke to another customer of his.
i dunno who or what he works for.

you want his bank details of where i deposited the money? you want the email history? how about the last time i took a dump?

Nah, don't need any of that. However.....

wasnt sunfly.
It wasnt alibaba.

an Aussie poker supplier (from a northern state to where i am) uses this 'guy' to do his custom chips that he sells on his webpage.

Curious to know why you think Sun-Fly (or a Chinese company on Alibaba) wasn't the manufacturer, if you don't know who the 'guy' worked for. The name and webpage of the Aussie poker supplier might be helpful, too.

Again, pics of the chips would go a long way towards showing the conditions you described.
here ya go.

obvious WSOP rip off..

lighting was shit.. take what ya can from the pics

* not a crisp as some other ceramics but for the price.. and the fact i didnt pay a cent.. im happy with the 1000 chip set i got





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Look decent to me. Aligned spots and graphics run to the edge. The only thing I'd be worried about would be the longevity of the inks. The cheaper ones will tend to whiten around the edges faster. But for free? I say good score!
rolling edge alignment looks okay for the most part.

print quality is hard to tell from the pics - not sure if they're blurry because of the photo or because of the printing. either way, i probably wouldn't complain about any of this if they were free.
A few of the rolling edges make my eye twitch, but not bad overall. Free is a helluva score. I hope you got a playable breakdown out of it.

Chips added to the Custom Chip Database.
Overall, the print and colors look good. The only blurring I notice is from foreshortening in the photo. Can you post a specific pic of the "blur?"

Rolling edge alignment is not perfect. If I ordered customs and got this, I might call some out as defects and seek replacement. That being said, I'd much rather have this set as-is than the same without alignment at all (given this art, which implies a clay edge spot.)

If I ordered this set and the pictures I ordered from showed the bad alignment like this, I would not complain. But if you showed me the best chips and then sold me the above, I'd either exchange a bunch of chips or return the set, and would not buy from you again.
Thanks for the photos. A few iffy edge spots aside, they look great.

Do they not look like Sun-Fly chips to you guys???
I would gladly review them if you are still looking for participants.

thanks guys
I agree about the edges.

I was told that they wont be perfect, but they make every effort to get them as close as possible.

If i were to sell chips, i would use a worst case photo, so i am not misleading in my sales.

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I would gladly review them if you are still looking for participants.


Thanks mate
I will have to see how much shipping would cost.
How much are they selling them for? If they are much less than Chipco's, I'd be happy to have a beater set to leave in the car or for large charity or neighborhood tourneys.
what do chipco sell their ceramics for? then i can tell you whats cheaper :)
more fucking secrecy. what's your problem, dude? just tell us how much the damn chips cost.

otherwise, it's starting to look like some kind of angle-shoot, and you are losing credibility fast....
i ordered 6500 chips in total, they were 34c US each..

i edited the post because my initial calculations were off.. my bad

from China to Australia, fedex shipping was $550. This took about a week from pickup to delivery. not bad.
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more fucking secrecy. what's your problem, dude? just tell us how much the damn chips cost.

otherwise, it's starting to look like some kind of angle-shoot, and you are losing credibility fast....

BG, look at post #22 - I presume from this that xdan is going to be selling these in the future and doesn't want to give up his supplier or cost details.
If he did try selling them, I would strongly recommend selling very few (flying under the radar) or selling a crapload-ton of them to pay for the best lawyers, because these obviously cross the line of copyright infringement.
the WSOP chips will not be ones i sell.. for obvious reasons..
To be honest, it probably won't be worth your time to resell ceramics if your base cost is 34c each. You would be competing in a market segment that contains 39c chips (Venerati) along with a couple of other budget lines. Unless you are willing to run with really small margins (or can significantly lower your costs), there won't be a lot of room for profit after expenses.

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