Current collection in pictures (1 Viewer)

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I have more than enough chips. And while I never really had a specific budget in mind, I feel like have spent enough dough now lol
I know. I was just making a little joke. Personally, I have more than enough chips, and have had so for a long time. Several full sets that have never hit the felt, and several others in various planning stages. But I'm still planning a big CPC set for the near future. This hobby is a disease...
And then I am done

I feel like have spent enough dough now lol

So that lasted less than a week… Maybe I’m supposed to keep working on this one? Which $1 & $5 though?

Empress $1 and PCA $5...riverboats.
Sharp Empress $1 almost non-existent.
Discovery Cruises $1 and PCA $5.
These are all excellent suggestions.

If I were you I would definitely stay away from Fun Ship $5's for at least another 6 months. Arc Yellow on Red is such a terrible look.
PCA is technically a boat.

Empress $1 and PCA $5...riverboats.

I’ll admit I’ve said multiple times in the past that I thought they were overrated but PCA $5 would be perfect here, I agree.

If Riverboats (trusting TCG here) are in play…For the $1 I thought Harrahs Joliet, Aztar ?
Latest addition…Got to clean those $1 (and find more $25) but I think that score wraps up what I once hoped would be a « perfect » collection (for me at least)


if I had to narrow the perfect collection down to 3 sets they would each fit in one of these categories:
- Cruise
- Cali
- Hotstamp

If I had to pick specific sets…
1. Silver Saddles
2. Starlites
3. Silver Stars

Lakeshores, Indio Bingo Palace, RVCL, Regency Cruise, Yosemite Inn are not far behind though.

Ok so I posted that over a year ago and I think my answer today would be a bit different. If I had to narrow the perfect collection down to three sets I’d pick a set from a Cruise line, Cali cardroom/casino and Nevada casino. Regency Cruises, Lake Elsinore and Silver Stars got me there. I guess I can stop chasing sets like a maniac (for now)…

Also RVCL > Starlites
No more Lakeshore wanted ads then? ;)

Never say never but at this point it’s no longer a priority. I can say I really tried. Went all in on two sets this year and failed. I guess it was never meant to happen for me it seems. And honestly the Elsinore are quite phenomenal so…meh whatever
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