Casino Closing so Buy Chips? (1 Viewer)


Apr 9, 2020
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I just bought my first sample set of Tunica Roadhohse chips. So super new to this but how do people get all these chips from closed casino? Who sells them to the buyers? Would love a breakdown on how all those transactions work.
There are sales on here where they are offered. As well as the classified sections. If ya don’t mind me asking where did you get the roadhouse set. I’ve been looking for 1 rack of 1s
There are sales on here where they are offered. As well as the classified sections. If ya don’t mind me asking where did you get the roadhouse set. I’ve been looking for 1 rack of 1s

Sorry I mean more like when the Roadhouse closed how did someone come in and buy up all their chips?
If the casino closes with outstanding debts, they may auction off any assets to pay off those debts - those chips could have been in an auction
There are a few people out there who are connected and experienced enough to be able to purchase the chips from casinos when they liquidate. Many state gaming commissions require casinos destroy their chips but some allow them to be sold. Several vendors here have those connections to bring those former casino chips to us.
I always wondered the same thing. I’ve still heard no real answers...just generalizations or speculations. I’d really like to know too! Maybe Jim can tell his secrets? Living in Oklahoma makes for a lot of casinos...those casinos gotta be dumping chips somewhere at some point.
I always wondered the same thing. I’ve still heard no real answers...just generalizations or speculations. I’d really like to know too! Maybe Jim can tell his secrets? Living in Oklahoma makes for a lot of casinos...those casinos gotta be dumping chips somewhere at some point.
I think it’s a lot more hustling and negotiating and legal work than secrets.
I think it’s a lot more hustling and negotiating and legal work than secrets.
Yeah I think the biggest challenge is finding the closed casinos. That’s likely where the major hustle is because that’s going to take a lot of time. Information like that doesn’t get advertised and is generally only going to make local news. This is where Jim has the greatest advantage over anyone here trying to do what he does. In regards to legal in states where Jim has purchased before it will probably be easy to buy the chips since there is a precedent.
lol conspiracy theorists


Purchasing casino chips is a result of endless investigation, experienced legal teams working with closed casinos and their regulatory bodies, hard work, and money.
I saw signs awhile back at Winstar Casino stating they are changing chips on X date. It’s a huge casino...I can’t remember any other info so it may have already happened. Wonder if anyone tried to get the old chips!
lol conspiracy theorists


Purchasing casino chips is a result of endless investigation, experienced legal teams working with closed casinos and their regulatory bodies, hard work, and money.
This exactly. Especially the money and investigation part. Finding these places will take lots of time and getting the chips into your hands is going to take a sizable amount of money. Both for legal fees and for the actual purchase.
So if anyone is interesting in trying to get retired’s a clue, call Winstar.
This is all news to me! I mean I figured after a few days on here that the chips in circulation on here were from closed down casinos, but I thought to myself... where are they coming from!.. Being up in Canada... I guess we don't have too many casinos up here that have closed over the years? Or am I mistaken? My guess they probably destroy the chips up here if the casino goes under...

I’m just glad they do it or else we could’ve able to get some of these beautiful chips
This is all news to me! I mean I figured after a few days on here that the chips in circulation on here were from closed down casinos, but I thought to myself... where are they coming from!.. Being up in Canada... I guess we don't have too many casinos up here that have closed over the years? Or am I mistaken? My guess they probably destroy the chips up here if the casino goes under...


No, it's just that most of the casinos in Canada (at least in my part) have the most gawd-awful, boring designs on their non-clay chips, that pretty much anybody can do better on here with a custom idea of their own, and not expensively. The group buy designs I regularly see here are generally top notch.
The WinStar $1's are kinda nice, wouldn't mind if those ended up on ChipRoom. :)

Wonder if The River tourney chips are getting replaced too...
No, it's just that most of the casinos in Canada (at least in my part) have the most gawd-awful, boring designs on their non-clay chips, that pretty much anybody can do better on here with a custom idea of their own, and not expensively. The group buy designs I regularly see here are generally top notch.
I don’t post this lightly because it hurts (I had to sell them). Behold the Palais de Congress!

Okay, okay, the PdC is truly an exception. But since they aren't "available" any more, they don't count as "harvestable".
Just giving an example of good looking Canadian chips that were resold into the home market after the Casino closed... should have replied to davethesave rather than your reply to him. Cheers
The WinStar $1's are kinda nice, wouldn't mind if those ended up on ChipRoom. :)

Wonder if The River tourney chips are getting replaced too...
Any live chips you like (ESPECIALLY $1’s) you should just harvest them when the casino is open. Some folks here like Paris $1’s, so just go to Vegas, sit at a table, and start pocketing the ones in the best shape. Can do the same at WinStar for $1/chip :cool mint Paris $1’s sell here for $3/chip just to give you an idea.
Yeah, except I'm not going anywhere near a casino for at least several more months... and when I do, I'll do my damnedest to make sure it's anywhere but WinStar. :)
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Sorry for the derail, but what is that setup?? Reflective table, is that a giant light in the back? Is this a picture of a picture being taken? What's the other angle look like?
Behind the scenes at a pro photo studio with a sheet of black glass, and what's called a "softbox" in the photo world. Its a small light/flash unit that goes into a tent thing that makes nice even light. I'll upload the studio pics to my gallery in order to not further derail this thread :)

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