Plenty of Paulsons and ASMs have this so-called "defect" as well. It's not uncommon and is part of the mfg process. The folks at ASM-Portland seemed to figure out the correct heat/pressure combination to minimize this with certain base/edgespot color combos.
BCC didn't give a f*ck. Paulson doesn't care either...because their customers (read: casinos) likely couldn't care less about this either. It's just the finicky home market customers that care about it. I'll admit that I fall into that bucket but don't care about this as much as I used to. I think it gives the chips character. The egg-shaped inlays that
BCC used to produce as well as the off center, yellow-ish inlays and grossly misshapen spots that ASM-Vegas put out the door are far worse offenses than a few split spots.
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zomg check out the spiked spots in these defects!!!!11!!1!