A noob and Chipcave (1 Viewer)


Sitting Out
Dec 11, 2023
Reaction score
Fairmont WV
I am a noob when it comes to poker chips. Unfortunately before joining this site, I purchased some chips from chipcave. It took almost 2 weeks but they showed up. The chips weight (14g) seems decent. I'm not super happy with them, but at .13 per chip, I thought it was worth it. My biggest reasons for buying was to try to start up a local game / tournament with friends and friends of friends, however, i love the feeling / ASMR of chips, and these clay composite chips are not quite it. I only have a out $115 invested in the chips and case (the case is decent) but I would like to look at other options. Any recommendations of where to start?
Welcome to PCF! Could you return or exchange them? Have you tried samples before you bought? I've been on the same boat as you because I didn't join and create an account here. Even as a PCF noob like me, I 1000% suggest you get some samples from either manufacturers, sellers or members here at this site. Lot's of samples available here! I'm sure you'll find something that feels good to you that you can fit in your budget. Good luck!

Check out the link in my signature to jump start your journey, landscape if you’re on mobile

I would say the most important thing is getting the game going, once it’s going swapping out the chips will be easy.
I am a noob when it comes to poker chips. Unfortunately before joining this site, I purchased some chips from chipcave. It took almost 2 weeks but they showed up. The chips weight (14g) seems decent. I'm not super happy with them, but at .13 per chip, I thought it was worth it. My biggest reasons for buying was to try to start up a local game / tournament with friends and friends of friends, however, i love the feeling / ASMR of chips, and these clay composite chips are not quite it. I only have a out $115 invested in the chips and case (the case is decent) but I would like to look at other options. Any recommendations of where to start?
Pretty much what NVFlip said ; see if you can return the chips, if not , maybe sell them after you get a set you like.

Get samples, there are samples in the classified section here; sample sets on forum.

Personally , I like the feeling/ASMR of chips as well and I do like clay chips, but the feel and sound will differ.

I would set a budget, get some samples and see what you like.

Welcome to the rabbit hole.
Welcome. If you take your time you can keep your costs around, and even below, $2/chip. With the right breakdown you can run 2 table cash with about 400-500 chips. Sell big chips for the rebuys and let the players make change with each other.

That being said, a set of 500 paulsons is going to run anywhere from $600-$2k for some decent stuff. Top shelf gets close to $10/chip. It's all up to you, as in any hobby. Good luck and happy hunting.
Favorite sites? I tried to order a few from chipcave but they were out of what I was interested in. I would like to see some decent ceramic and all clay samples.

Card Wars and Nevada Jack's both look nice if I can find reasonable samples

Alot of people on here have some metal slugged sets laying around. I actually like my Monte Carlos.
Any recommendations of where to start?
What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Do you have a budget? Tournaments, cash games or both?

My advice is to look through the 'media' section of PCF and browse the collections people have posted over the years. See what catches your eye. I'd also recommend you look at the classifieds and eBay to see what's available and to get a feel for pricing.

Here's another thread you might find useful: https://www.pokerchipforum.com/threads/rule-of-thumb-for-to-spend-on-poker-chips.100452/post-2079513

I'm going to give mine a good cleaning and oiling and see how they feel after. Probably still pick up some samples in the process. My current chips are these


And I made my own set with 1s, 5s, 10s, and 25s.
These aren't clay chips. They're a plastic composite with a metal slug embedded for weight. They don't need to be cleaned right away (unless they're coated in Cheeto dust or something) and oiling would be bad. Definitely don't oil them.

I don't know if where your chipping journey will take you, but it will probably go something like this (don't worry if this doesn't all make sense today - it will someday) (repost):

Discovers PCF.
Sets a budget.
Finds something suitable within that budget.
Makes a purchase.
Keeps browsing PCF (this is where people really get in trouble).
Buys more chips as a project.
Realizes spouse does not monitor the PayPal account or get notifications about transactions.
Sells chips to buy chips.
Sells chips to buy more chips.
Gets used to odd nomenclature like 'murder' and 'watermelons'.
Discovers 'cards mold'.
Keeps hearing about this mysterious woman named 'Tina'.
Uses the PCF search function to research 'Tina'.
Runs out of room to store poker chips.
Realizes they have many unfinished 'projects'.
Sells abandoned 'project' chips to buy more chips.
Realizes they don't have a 'limit' set.
Immediately rationally concludes that almost no one needs a 'limit' set.
Starts assembling a 'limit' set.
Asks around to find out if anyone like to play limit.
Discovers that there's a PCF vendor that sells custom table layouts.
Discovers that there's a PCF vendor that sells custom dice.
Immediately rationally concludes they have no need or use for dice at all, let alone custom ones.
Buys custom dice.
Starts feeling 'complete'.
Then meets @Ben8257 & @Windwalker and realizes they need to up their game.
Sells everything to buy 'Boat chips'.
Sells 'Boat chips' to buy 'Tiger chips'.
Finally feels up to speed as a rank and file member of PCF.
These are Evansville primary 1s by Gemaco. They're plastic. Left is the before condition and the right is after I scrubbed it with Mr. Clean magic eraser. The improvement is better in person but you can see how much brighter they are after the eraser. Your chips are new so you probably won't need to do it after several years of play. Sorry about the poor cropping.
unfortunately the market on this site is like really expensive chips (at least from a newer-entry hobbyist perspective.) I am pretty casual by this sites standards and my entire chip set ran me like 240 on a sale (I think) AND I run a home game so I actually have use for such chips. Can't lie, I used to be read up on all the cheaper (less than 200 for a full set) chips but these days I just browse the site to look at pretty chips and occasionally buy some stuff it looks super pretty and super cheap.
Keep an eye on the classifieds, sometimes deals come up, sometimes people are trying to yeet out sets of China clays or less desireable retired casino chips that you can get at a price that's within your budget. That's how I'm building my holy grail semicustom Bud Jones set.

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