Giveaway 3 Strategy Cards - SIGNUP ENDS TONIGHT 11/21/2021 8PM (1 Viewer)


Full House
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
New Jersey
I had gotten a set of these Blackjack, Roulette, and Craps Strategy cards because I wanted to use the charts on these to make new Cut Cards for my Miramar set. I wanted to use the Miramar Design for the front of the cards and have the strategy card charts in the back. I was going to make 3 styles one with Blackjack, one with Roulette, and the other with Craps. With the cost of shipping when I ordered these I figured I could add 3 more to my order and it did not increase the shipping. I will give these three cards away as a set. These cards are just about Bridge Size (maybe a touch smaller) and they are pretty thick like a credit card. If you are interested in this giveaway I will leave it open for the rest of the week until Sunday November 21st at 8PM. To quote Wesley Snipes Please post in your response on here "ALWAYS BET ON BLACK". Shipping will be free in the US. If you are international you will need to pay for shipping.

I will do a Randomizer and the top 2 people will play a Seven card Stud hand to see who can make the best 5 card hand.

Front of the cards

Back of the Cards.
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