Colony Club

Colony Club

Owner: Puggy
Designer: Johnny5 (J5 Design)

I started chipping up in 2009, if my memory serves me right. I am a hard boiled clay chipper and have bought, owned and sold a lot of great sets during the years. Eventually in late 2014, I decided it is time to get my own custom set. And I wanted it to be cash set, since our STT's had diminished and cash games had shown up occasionally. So cash set it will be. Also, I had never had any ASM, now CPC, chips. And also, because it was the only choice, it was only natural, I will get my chips from Classic Poker Chips. The MD-50 mold was getting older and I decided it was time to pull the trigger, before CPC pulls the mold out from chip prodution. However, while I'm typing this, they still make MD-50 chips, which is great, since it really is the greatest mold in their selection.

After very succesful GCOP project, there really was not any other option for inlay designer, than Johnny5. He is great to work with, and always delivers some awesome ideas for inlays.

Then it was all about the theme. But, let's face it. I LOVE Art Deco. Especially Miami's Art Deco District area. And over there, especially Colony Hotel. So the theme was set pretty fast. We thought some ideas with Johnny5. I wanted his opinions too about different name ideas, since I do not think in english. Therefore it was difficult for me to imagine, how all the different name ideas sound like in the ears of someone, who thinks in english. After a couple of emails, the name was set as "Colony Club".

I ordered a color sample set from CPC and started playing with it. It was really fun to try to decide which colors to use. I knew I wanted to use cali colors. After long time of playing with the color sample set I came up with the following colors:

$0.25: DG Pink with Retro Lavender/Retro Lavender
$1: Bright White with DG Tiger/Maroon/DG Green
$5: Arc Yellow with Blurple/Grey
$20: Lavender with DG Green/Imperial Blue/DG Pink
$100: Grey with DG Peach/DG Saturn

I was also lucky enough to be able to get DG Tiger included in the set, since the original color instead of it was DG Peach. That tiger color just knocked my socks off. And the $1 is maybe the chip I love the most in my set.

The design, color and edgespot selection took about 4-5 months, little-by-little, even if I was in a kind of a hurry to get my order in. I tried to get the right Miami colors included in the set, but it was difficult. I wanted to include blue chips in it, but could not do it. IF tournament set follows, it will be blueish. The inlays really have the right Miami Art Deco feel, Johnny5 nailed it once again.

The order was placed at Spring 2015 and I got my chips in November 2015. My first customs were finally at my apartment. My second own chip project was ended. And I just loved the end product.

The breakdown is as follows:
200 x $0.25
400 x $1
200 x $5
100 x $20
100 x $100

So I would like once more to thank everyone for the great feedback I have gotten concerning the Colony Clubs, Johnny 5 for the inlay design job excellently done once again, David Spragg and CPC for my dream set come true and for the excellent quality of these chips. It was a fun project and expensive one, but worth every cent.

A very special thanks goes to HOF committee and the voters, who voted Colony Clubs into the Hall of Fame. I am very honored to have them there. I hope they will give some joy and ideas to the people, who still are planning to get their own custom sets.
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5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

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My favorite frac of all time, hands down. Colors, inlay, everything. And many thanks to Puggy for allowing two racks of them to come to me in Florida!
I absolutely love this set. Everything done with this set is correct. It is definitely one of my favourites.
Fantastic chips and stunning execution of colors, spot patterns, and color matching. Outstanding in every way!
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