SOLD Welp CPS is not for me and know I know... (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
Site Vendor
Aug 2, 2018
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234   0   0

Won these in an auction from the above thread always loved the look of them and the price but once I got them in hand found they’re not for me (cross hatching made shuffling feel real odd to me). Selling these at the price I got them ($225) and I’ll throw in free shipping CONUS or a $13 credit for shipping outside the US. See the above link for pictures.
Crap. Generous offer and very tempting. These are a classic design in the China clay category. But I’ve been buying from the chiproom and the exchange lately and still need to find and buy some bellagio $1s.
thank you for looking out to the other bidders from that auction.
Lol. You two have the chipping bug B A D...:rolleyes:
I work at a machine shop and I'm looking for an inexpensive set to take to work on fridays, most people here have metal dust and grease on their hands, and I don't want that crap on any of our good chips Haha I'm also still toying with/building a low stakes cash set around my primary PCAs I dont need for the tourney set, so they will fill their place for now and then be dispersed again :tup:
i used these for a tournament. and I liked them for their price. But the chemical smell always bothered me. I owned them for several years and the smell didnt go away.

I guess i prefer the smell of casino used hooker juice..go figure
Reminds me of my factory days. I spent 16 years building frames for Chevy Blazers, S-10’s, Trailblazers, Mercedes AAV, exc... night shift was nothing more than a casino for tradesmen, and Christmas Eve was the big game. Guys would walk out of there down their vacation pay. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
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Reminds me of my factory days. I spent 16 years building frames for Chevy Blazers, S-10’s, Trailblazers, Mercedes AAV, exc... night shift was nothing more than a casino for tradesmen, and Christmas Eve was the big game. Guys would walk out of there down they vacation cheques. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Haha that sounds like a ton of fun! Most of the guys at the shop dont have much poker knowledge so I'd like to give them an opportunity to learn inexpensively. Theres a few people here that play reguarly and said theyd be in for sure so at least theres a little bit of competition!
I'm not a fan really but these are inexpensive and serve the purpose of getting grungy and beat up at work.
Great pickup Brie!

Personally, im sitting on 2 CC sets, Desert Palms Tournament, and Milanos cash.

For the money, great to own. Nothing wrong with having some versatility and rugged use sets.

Additionally, if I ever had a cash flow problem or had to eject out of this hobby for unknown life events, that can occur, unexpectedly, I'd still be able to host poker and continue that endeavor with all my CCs. Only $250 invested between both sets.
Most of the guys at the shop dont have much poker knowledge so I'd like to give them an opportunity to learn inexpensively.
Very generous of you, if stealing blinds is considered an inexpensive exchange for knowledge (a.k.a. getting schooled)!

Those chips will pay for themselves. Enjoy them.
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