Royals from Apache are 43mm. They are a great chip/set for the price!
My first set (really second after dice chips) ever owned was the Majestic Card Room chips from Apache. Those are 39mm. They feel, look, and shuffle really well. They don’t stand on edge and they are not sharp! I would describe the feel of the chip as having a slight softness and even warmth to it compared to a clay or ceramic.
People at my game like the Majestic
CC chips a lot! The Royals are a step up from the Majestic
CC in many people’s eyes (I agree) because the colors and patterns are more varied across the set + bigger = better (that’s what she said)

. They feel about the same too.
These chips are some of the best gateway drugs around imo for getting into poker chip collecting. The only thing that I would say, knowing what I know now is that I would have skipped over China Clay and gone straight to higher quality chips out of the gate. Just to save a few bucks. No real regrets as I like Apache chips and my Majestics plenty.
Buy these up if you like them… you won’t regret it.