Full House
My plans to build a THC Cali-colored solids set always seems to get knocked over by other projects So, these are for sale. Judge chip conditions for yourself. I will split these up if the bulk are accounted for. If I split, I will honor dibs with two caveats: (1) bigger purchases trump smaller purchases; and (2) I may pass over dibs if doing so allows me to sell more of the chips for some reason. Here are the counts:
- 293 x royal red (78 x monograms; 215 x starbursts)
- These *could* be cherry, but they all match my Four Queens THC $5s under uv light, and I know the 4Qs are royal red
- 200 x royal blue (all starbursts)
- 400 x yellow/daisy (C&E hot stamp)
- 200 x black (100 x monograms; 100 x Fun Nites)
- 169 x white (100 x starbursts; 69 x Fun Nite T1s)