Total noob (1 Viewer)


Two Pair
Nov 20, 2014
Reaction score
Hello everyone. I am new to chip collecting and relatively new to poker. I stumbled upon this (and another) forum after searching for images of Paulson's and knew I was in trouble. : ) Right now I have decent amount of Milano's and now that I know Empress (Joliet) chips are available, I think I'm kind of obsessed. The reasons why the empress chips caught my attention is that it was my favorite casino. I live about 30 minutes from it and on my 21st birthday, that's where I went. So not only are those chips pleasing to my eye, they are very nostalgic as well. I look forward to collecting a descent set of empress and surely, will be expanding to some other collections as well. I try to play as often as possible and look forward to learning new things from all of you and gaining insight across the world of poker.

Oh yeah, now would be a good time to change your Paypal password to gibberish and place your credit cards in blocks of ice. Your bank account will thank you later...
Thanks, luckily my Milano's are similarly colored to the Empress chips and I'll run a mixed set until the Empress chips take over.
Welcome. And just wait until you discover the joyfull experience of custom clays. :)

Oh yeah, now would be a good time to change your Paypal password to gibberish and place your credit cards in blocks of ice. Your bank account will thank you later...

Where were you with this advice for me 10 years ago.
if you find a way to get empress $1's for anything less than $2.50/chip, let me know..
Welcome aboard. You won't be new for long. Those Milanos are a nice chip to start with, and the Empress Casino chips you are hoping for are a beautiful upgrade. Who knows what will be on your table in five years!
Welcome! Empress sets are always nice, good luck with the search/hunt!



My wallet hates poker chips... but they make me oh so happy!

I started with the Milanos, and still have a 2000 chip set.

I moved onto Paulsons pretty quickly, with the assistance of my online chip-crack broker (The Chip Room).

I attended an area meetup a couples years ago (the Windy City Blowout, in Chicago), and fell in love with the community. I've since hosted a similar (not claiming to be comparable) meetup in the Madison area, the Madtown ThrowDown (MTTD). we had attendees from as far away as Arizona/NM area, and a bunch of IL chippers too. We've love to have you attend. Check out the link to the MTTD thread. After you attend the MTTD, you'll be hooked on meetups, and will certainly attend the WCB a couple months later. :)

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