Found Single 43mm or 48mm chip / card protector (1 Viewer)

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Two Pair
Nov 17, 2022
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I’m looking for a single 43mm, 48mm, or really anything else that could serve as a “cool, big, and hefty” card protector for my dad. He mentioned that other people in his home game use chips as card protectors, and I’m hoping that as a PCF member, I can find something actually cool to gift him.

He likes guns and planes, so I was thinking maybe Red Baron, but really anything that’s not super bland should work. I’m hoping it can be something a bit more rare and larger than a standard 39mm chip to give him some extra flex among his noob friends.

I’m in no rush, but instead of just surfing classifieds I thought I’d throw this up just in case.
@PLOdonk does your friend like metal (big slot tokens and silver slot tokens) if he likes guns and planes?

I have bunch of slot tokens that are like 45mm 48mm etc.
@PLOdonk does your friend like metal (big slot tokens and silver slot tokens) if he likes guns and planes?

I have bunch of slot tokens that are like 45mm 48mm etc.
Not sure, but I’ll take a look if you’ve got some pics.
I’m looking for a single 43mm, 48mm, or really anything else that could serve as a “cool, big, and hefty” card protector for my dad. He mentioned that other people in his home game use chips as card protectors, and I’m hoping that as a PCF member, I can find something actually cool to gift him.

He likes guns and planes, so I was thinking maybe Red Baron, but really anything that’s not super bland should work. I’m hoping it can be something a bit more rare and larger than a standard 39mm chip to give him some extra flex among his noob friends.

I’m in no rush, but instead of just surfing classifieds I thought I’d throw this up just in case.
I have a heavy duty metal token that was given to me by a New York City police officer. Slightly larger than a standard casino chip. PM me if you want a picture.
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