Moxie Mike
Full House
For immediate release: May 22, 2020 12:20 PM EST
Moxie Mike presents nomenclature change for all Scrotum/Scrotum 8 games.
Grand Rapids, MI - In discussing poker jargon with Moxie Poker League consigliere "Crown Royal" Dave, it has been concluded that referring to the best possible hand as 'The Nuts' while playing a hand of Scrotum or Scrotum8 is inadequate.
So, effective immediately, while playing these and similarly named poker variations, all such hands shall now be referred to as a 'Super Sack'.
Yours in degeneracy,
Moxie Mike
Moxie Mike presents nomenclature change for all Scrotum/Scrotum 8 games.
Grand Rapids, MI - In discussing poker jargon with Moxie Poker League consigliere "Crown Royal" Dave, it has been concluded that referring to the best possible hand as 'The Nuts' while playing a hand of Scrotum or Scrotum8 is inadequate.
So, effective immediately, while playing these and similarly named poker variations, all such hands shall now be referred to as a 'Super Sack'.
Yours in degeneracy,
Moxie Mike